Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Check out the movie ratings .....


Lisa mentioned a web site last evening that you can use to find out about movies and TV shows. There were several others mentioned, but I didn't write them down. Please send them to me and I will link them in here! My email is listed under the Leadership Team.

Here is the one Lisa mentioned: www.commonsensemedia.org

The song that was played at the end last evening was: "Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns.

Hope y'all have a great and blessed weekend. Remember: Shine for Him as we are LIGHT!

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Happy Tuesday to my fellow GEMS!

Have I told you lately how very special each of you are to me, but better yet, to God? He is working even now to paint a beautiful sunrise to greet His children this morning. It may be a little dark or filled with brilliant color, but He is saying "I Love You" no matter what the picture.
I challenge you today to look at the little things He is doing for you and thank Him! You may be surprised to see how His hand is in everything you do and see today! Count your blessings and see what God is doing for YOU!

Lisa and Nikki sent me a short video from GodTube yesterday and I want to share it with you. Some of you may have seen it, but it is worth watching over and over. I cry every time i watch it as I think about the love this father has for his son, but more so the love our Father has for each one of us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and we are His GEMS!

This is a really powerful video on God Tube showing the selfless love of a father for his son - a love that wants to give all the best in life to his son. The song in the background parallels the love The Father has for us.

Enjoy the movie and please say a prayer of thanksgiving afterwards for all He has done and is doing in your life and our lives as His church! Remember: God is good ALL the time! ALL the time, God IS good!

Maranatha!!! Lord Jesus come quickly!!

I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Enjoy a laugh!

I received this from Lisa yesterday and wanted to get it posted as soon as possible.


You HAVE to watch this video. This will show you what a good Christian man is looking for in a woman :) Hee hee hee -- enjoy!!!!


Have a great weekend!
Cheri Lynn

Friday, April 11, 2008

Bible Reading Schedule

Here is the current Reading Schedule for 4/10 through 4/23

Daily Bible Reading that Relates to our Study

Thur/April 10
Deuteronomy 31:6, Deuteronomy 31:8, Joshua 1:5, 1 Kings 8:57
It’s all over the place in the Bible – God is there for you!

Fri/April 11
Romans 8:1-13
There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus – He loves you just as you are. He calls you to live according to the way His Spirit leads you.

Sat/April 12
John 3:18-21 Jesus is talking and saying that He did not come to condemn us, but to show us the truth that we can live by.

Sun/April 13
1 Corinthians 2:10-15
If God’s ways seem like foolishness to someone, they need to check themselves…

Mon/April 14
Genesis 2:20-24
Read about God’s original design for men and women.

Tues/April 15
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Re-read this passage and ask God to teach you His ways.

Wed/April 16
Genesis 39:1-23
A story of a strong Godly man who did the right thing sexually.

Thur/April 17
Genesis 40:1-23
More of the story of Joseph. It doesn’t look like things go well for him even though he followed God’s ways.

Fri/April 18
Genesis 41:1-9, 39
Finally, for all his obedience, God is blessing Joseph.

Sat/April 19
1 Peter 2:11
God knows that it’s difficult to fight against our desires. Our lives can be a witness for the great things He does for us.

Sun/April 20
Galatians 5: 16-22
A great study in the contrast between living for sinful desires and living by God’s Spirit.

Mon/April 21
Psalm 119:75-72
The goodness of God to those who love and obey Him.

Tues/April 22
1 John 3:7-10
Do not be led astray – you are a child of God!

Wed/April 23
Ephesians 5:1-17
Paul is again writing instructions on how we can live to please God.

See you tonight!!! (April 23rd - 5:30pm)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dating Jesus

Dating Jesus: The Single Cure for Loneliness
Julie Ferwerda

"You'll never be satisfied in a relationship until you're satisfied with Jesus."

If you're single, you've probably heard the well meaning, albeit superficial-sounding, vague admonition thrown at you usually by seemingly content married people. Great. How in the heck do you find contentment with Jesus when you feel the daily nagging ache for true earthly love--the love that even God said is the better way (Genesis 2:18)?

Really, I've found there's only one way. Date Jesus. And the reason why married people "insensitively" tell you in so many words to do this, is because they know that marriage doesn't solve all your longings for intimacy and belonging. They're trying to give you the hint that, while marriage has it's advantages and is overall a good thing, it isn't the end all to loneliness and love hunger. Many have discovered this only after they got married and were still lonely. Now they're letting you in on the secret: only by dating Jesus will you find what you're truly searching for.

I just so happen to be married, but a few years ago when I was single--and lonely--I began dating Jesus. Now that I'm married, I still date Jesus. My husband, great guy though he is, can't possibly be all I need for unconditional love, security, intimacy and belonging. Nor I for him. Without dating Jesus, I'd still be as lonely as a raft at sea.

Is it possible? Is it weird, thinking of Jesus as a romantic interest? And how do I do it?
The Bible tells us that when we get to our heavenly kingdom, we (his followers) will walk the holy matrimony aisle as his bride, celebrating our own great wedding day with our Prince of Peace (Revelation 19:7-9). That means to me that while we're here on earth, we are in a sacred courtship with the King of kings. We're in the relationship-building stage, getting to know him mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but not getting to be united with him physically ... until our wedding day. There's nothing weird about thinking of Jesus like your greatest romantic interest, even if you're a guy. He wants that kind of intimacy with you so that he can win your heart with his amazing, perfect love, and make you ready for the big day when you get to live happily ever after with him.

So how do you date Jesus? Here are some ways that work for me, but the sky is the limit for creativity--just like any true dating relationship. The key is to make it spontaneous, personal and a major priority. And then you'll find that he begins showing up for dates--sometimes with flowers, love notes, and rainbows!

Read his love letter daily. My best experience for getting into the Word daily is by reading the One Year Bible in the New Living Translation. It's broken up into 15-minute daily readings from Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs and is a very readable, intimate version. I've done this the last five years, and I can't believe how much he's revealed to me about Himself and the relevance of his Word to my daily life. If you don't like going back and forth so much, try the One Year Chronological Bible (NLT).

Write letters. This can be done in a notebook or on your computer, but open up to God regularly with your thoughts, cares and concerns. Express your love for him. Make future plans with him. Write just like you would to a most intimate lover. This brings him in so close and personal, and you can bet he's reading every word you write. Get ready for him to respond!
Record his answers. In my prayer journal where I write letters to him, I also have a section where I write all the things he does or speaks into my life. This is such an awesome record to have because I forget. I go back periodically and read about all the intimate secrets he and I have shared, character qualities he has demonstrated to me, and details he has worked out in my life. And I am so amazed at how they add up to significant events and opportunities. I see on paper how he's continually romanced me through the years. He's taught me that all the great qualities I see in earthly men are just a dim reflection of the pure qualities in the One who created them.

Walk and talk. Every couple falling in love enjoys leisurely, frequent walks, hand in hand. Talk to him as a best friend because he is truly there with you. If you like music, bring your headphones and make it a worship time. You will feel so refreshed in his love.
Set real dates. These usually occur in nature for me. I'll go to a river, a park, a garden or up in the mountains with my Bible and worship music and hang out with him for an hour or two in beautiful seclusion. At this point, he usually starts showing off, captivating me with his majesty, pointing out amazing things he formed with his bare hands ... for me. Taking in sunsets, sunrises, star gazing or walks after rainstorms also make inspiring dates where I've communed with him at incredibly deep levels. His presence feels as near as my very breath. No human could touch the holy romance of the intimate moments we share during these times.

Make cards or gifts for him. One Valentine's Day when I was feeling particularly lonely and a bit sorry for myself, I got out the construction paper, glue, glitter, and markers and made Jesus the fanciest valentine ever. I felt so happy when I was done, remembering I did have Someone to love and dote over--Someone who just so happened to have invented love. And there he was, waiting to capture my heart as well!

Study Him. Remember falling in love and yearning to know everything you could about a person and what they've done? I love looking into fascinating facts and phenomenon about nature because they tell me about the amazing One who made them. I've checked out things like snowflakes (it's easy to check out pictures online of some of these things), northern lights, galaxies, quarks, bugs (I happen to be fascinated by color, intricacy, and variety), rainbows, fractals, mysterious sliding rocks in Death Valley, Lechuguilla Crystal Caves in New Mexico and so many more of the mysteriously beautiful creatures and creations worldwide. The more I learn about his creation, the more I fall in love with his limitless imagination and power.
Through dating Jesus, you'll begin to see and hear him in your life every day ... through nature, other people, his Word, and in the way he arranges the details of your life so intricately and beautifully. Don't miss the chance this year to truly enter the most wonderful dating relationship of your life. Even after you're married, you'll be so glad you did.

When Julie Ferwerda isn't wrapped up in her heavenly dating life, she's writing for Christian magazines and websites, keeping up with two teenage daughters, and enjoying life in central Wyoming with her husband, Steve. She is the author of the book for singles, The Perfect Fit: piecing together true love. For more info, go to www.julieferwerda.com.