Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Discipline of Service: March 3, 2010

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23

The Discipline of Service
John 13:1-17

1. Jesus modeled being a servant: Phil. 2:6-11; Acts 3:13, 26; 4:27, 30; Isa. 53
2. Jesus knew who He was. (Jn 13:3) - He was from God and returning to God
3. Jesus' service was not showy. (Jn13:4)
4. To be strong in the discipline of service, we must understand the difference between service and self-righteous service.
5. Christian service involves: * surrendering (more) time and rights
* understanding God's economy
* wanting to live this lifestyle through prayer,
confession, repentance and listening
Serve in and by: Hidden things; Small things; Guarding other' reputations; Being served; common courtesy; Hospitality; Listening; Bearing others' burdens; Sharing the Word; and Furthering the Kingdom!

Act of Service: so you can check it off your list as done (leaves you exhausted)
you pick whom you will serve
we fit it in - when it is good for us

Being a Servant: never feel like you are done (doesn't exhaust you, but fills you up)
He shows you who to serve and you don't care
Let's go and let Him show you
Serve no matter what - be sensitive

Will you SERVE? Bring Him Glory!!!!!!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23

Bible Reading for March 4th - March 17th

Hey Ladies!

Here are the Bible Reading passages for the next two weeks! Enjoy!

Thursday - March 4th
Phil. 2:1-11
This is a remarkable passage about Jesus' example of Him becoming a servant in order to fulfill God's will. If He would do it, we should follow His example to serve others.

Friday - March 5th
Matt. 20:26-28
In this passage Jesus is getting to the heart of having a servant mindset. He clearly states what His definition of greatness is...those who serve others are great in God's eyes.

Saturday - March 6th
Luke 22:24-30
Jesus talks here to His disciples and again, He redefines greatness. He assures His disciples (and it transfers to us) that when they serve, their reward will be great.

Sunday - March 7th
Mark 9:33-37
Those rascals! They were arguing AGAIN about who was the greatest! Jesus takes a child and points out that serving in the small things is BIG in His eyes. Where is God calling you to serve in His kingdom?

Monday - March 8th
1 Cor. 10:24
Short and sweet! This passage is about our freedom in Christ...and using our freedom in constructive ways. Serving others is a GREAT way to be seeking the good of others.

Tuesday - March 9th
Gal. 6:1-10
Many of the aspects of serving are found here: guarding others' reputation, small things, bearing other's loads, serving in the kingdom...and more!

Wednesday - March 10th
Rom. 12:1-8
Another great passage about how we should view ourselves...as a person who lives to please God. What gifts has He given to you that you can offer back to Him?

Thursday - March 11th
Matt. 24:36-51
I thought this was an interesting look at not putting off being plugged in and serving. We never know when Christ will return...we want to be serving Him when He does! If we would live every day in that way, His peace would reign in our lives.

Friday - March 12th
2 Tim. 2:22-26
Look at Paul's words to the young pastor, Timothy. The guiding thought in this passage is for those who follow God to do so with humility and strong character. It's about having a servant's heart...not just "doing" acts of service.

Saturday - March 13th
Gal. 5:13-15
Wow - Paul could cut to a point in a powerful way! He writes here that we should not use our freedom to look out for ourselves...but to serve others in love!

Sunday - March 14th
James 2:14-17
Good deeds will not get us saved - only faith in Christ gives us salvation. But if you have put your faith in Him, He expects His followers to be actively doing good deeds for others as an expression of their faith.

Monday - March 15th
Matt. 25:31-46
Jesus teaches about the importance of having a servant's heart in the way we interact with others.

Tuesday - March 16th
John 12:23-28
This is a packed passage. Jesus is talking about His mission as a servant...to save the world by laying down His life. He also says that those who follow Him will be like Him by serving others and ministering to them in Jesus' name.

Wednesday - March 17th
Matt. 25:21
At the end of the day, this is all I want to hear from my Lord.

See you tonight!!!!!!