Thursday - 10/21
Matthew 5:13-16
I am the salt and light of the earth
Like salt, you are here to preserve
God's truth and to flavor this world with God's love. He needs you to shine His light in the darkness. No matter where you go today, be some "light salt"!Friday - 10/22
John 15:5
I am a branch of the true vine
You are connected to the most powerful being in the universe. He is the source of your strength.
Saturday - 10/23
John 15:16
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit
John 15 is about remainingin Christ. We are not required to bear fruit...but as we remain in Christ (putting Hi first), the results will be that we bear fruit.
Sunday - 10/24
Acts 1:8
I am a personal witness of Christ's
Does your heart break when you think of all the people who do not have Jesus in their lives? Who comes to mind that you personally know? Will you pray and ask God to give you opportunities to be a witness to those people this week?
Monday - 10/25
2 Corinthians 5:17-20
I am a minister of reconciliation
We are ambassadors for Christ to everyone we meet. We could have the awesome privilege of helping lead them to reconcile with God...but only if we truly understand that God works through us - His ministers.
Tuesday - 10/26
2 Corinthians 6:1
I am God's coworker
What work has God called you to? Which of His people is He entrusting to your care? Whom does He need you to demonstrate His grace to this week?
Wednesday - 10/27
Colossians 3:23
My work is significant because i am working for the Lord
You, my sister, are not waiting for God to bring significant work to you. Wherever He has you right now...that is the work that He has for you right now. Be faithful in the small things so He may trust you with more. (Matthew 25:21)
Thursday - 10/28
Ephesians 2:6
I am sealed with Christ in the heavenly realm
Because of our position in/with Christ, we also have been given authority - the authority to do God's will. We do not need to fear Satan - we have the responsibility and authority to rebuke him in Jesus name.
Friday - 10/29
Ephesians 3:12
I may approach God with freedom and confidence
What famous person would you like to meet? You'd probably feel nervous if you actually got to meet him/her.
As thrilling as that would be...consider that 24/7, you have complete access to the God of the universe...the God who made that famous person you'd like to meet. How amazing that He allows us that free access.
Saturday - 10/30
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
I am God's temple
You are God's dwelling place. You cannot go anywhere, do anything or say anything that He is unaware of...because He is dwelling in you! You bring Him glory when you use your temple to build up others, to serve, to quietly get filled up through His Word. On the other hand, you defile His temple when you abuse your body, when you utter words that are destructive or you go your own way. Pray for a deeper understanding of what it means to be God's temple.
Sunday - 10/31
Ephesians 2:10
I am God's workmanship
You are God's workmanship...not your parents, your friends, your spiritual leaders, your boss....
God has created you for His pleasure and purpose. There is no sense in looking to others for approval. God created you - God has gifted you - God has a purpose for you.
Monday - 11/1
Isaiah 41:9-10
I am strengthened and upheld because I am a child of God.
You have been doesn't get much more significant that that! Don't question "if" you were chosen. When you accept Christ by faith, you are getting into agreement with God's will for your life...because He chose to love you. Becuase you are chosen, this Scripture tells us that God has you - strengthening you - upholding you.
Appropriate it.
Tuesday - 11/2 Election Day - Don't forget to vote!!!
Jeremiah 29:11
I have hope because God has a plan for me
We all want to walk through every day with purpose. Do you think that God will reveal His plan for your life some day when you've been good for long enough? That's dangerous theology. God has a plan for your life. Plain and simple. You are worthy of finding out what that plan is - simply by merit of you placing your faith in Christ. If God had to wait for all His people to be "good" before He could use them...He'd be waiting a long time. Hope: Your desires + the expectation that God is working on your behalf to bring about His will in the situation.
Wednesday - 11/3
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
This doesn't mean that everything we set out to do will be a success. It means that God will be with you no matter what you do. Claiming this truth - that you can do all things - allows you to take risks.
Even if you commit a mistake - through this truthful filter, you'll see it as a learning step, not a failure. God works to strengthen your inner spirit...that is more powerful than if all your circumstances turned out just like you want them to.
See you tonight!