Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jesus Painter

I received this from a friend and thought it was really good! I sat and watched with tears rolling down my face! We are CHOSEN by HIM!

I watched Fireproof last night at Eastview and was blown away! Wow! It was great!

This is a little bit longer than some clips, but definitely worth watching!



Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bible Reading January 23rd - February 4th, 2009

Hey Sisters! I am so sorry I had to miss the other night, but I had another commitment! I hear it was good. I hope you all enjoyed your study! Following I have listed the Bible Reading for the next two weeks. Have a great two weeks and I'll see you on the 4th!

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Thursday, 1/22/09
Ecclesiastes 7:11-12
Wisdom and money are a shelter in this world. Money is helpful, but being wise is better!

Friday, 1/23/09
Luke 12:13-21
Having stuff is great - but look at the warning that Jesus laid out to the man who was so concerned about his possessions.

Saturday, 1/24/09
Psalm 119:33-37
Verse 37 is a great memory verse when you're feeling the itch to buy something that you know you can't afford!

Sunday, 1/25/09
Luke 16:19-31
Having money can blind us to how we should help others. Use the money that God has given you for good - and to help others when you can.

Monday, 1/26/09
Luke 14:15-23
God invites us to hang out with Him. We need to be careful that we don't get so caught up in living our lives and taking care of our "stuff" that we miss out on this!

Tuesday, 1/27/09
Matthew 4:8-10
Look how Jesus responded to Satan when the devil tried to tempt him with "stuff".

Wednesday, 1/28/09
Psalm 49:1-12
Riches don't redeem us! At the end of the day, you can't take it with you!

Thursday, 1/29/09
Psalm 49:13-20
Verse 15 is a HUGE HALLELUJAH!!!

Friday, 1/30/09
Ecclesiastes 5:13-20
Another look at "you can't take it with you". Enjoy the gifts of God.

Saturday, 1/31/09
Luke 16:9-11
Be faithful with what God has given you!

Sunday, 2/1/09
Matthew 25:14-30
Notice the theme, "Well done good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things!"

Monday, 2/2/09
Matthew 6:24
Who do you serve?

Tuesday, 2/3/09
Proverbs 30:7-9
Good, grounding prayer.

Wednesday, 2/4/09
2 Corinthians 9:6-11
How we sow is how we reap. We are blessed with things so that we can be a blessing to others.

See y'all tonight!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Free tax preparation......

Check it out ladies!

Heartland Community College will be one of the free tax sites in Bloomington-Normal where trained volunteers from the Center for Economic Progress will be preparing and filing FREE tax returns for qualifying individuals and families throughout Illinois.

The HCC tax site will be open every Thursday evenings from 5:00 to 7:30pm starting January 29 through April 9, 2009.
You do not need to be a current HCC student to take advantage of this service. Tax preparation services are free to families with income of less than $55,000 and individuals with incomes less than $35,000.

Please bring all tax documents with you including:
W-2s and 1099s (if any),
Social Security Cards or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers for all family members,
a copy of last year's tax return if available,
bank account number and routing number to direct deposit your refund,
and a valid Photo ID.
No appointment is necessary since clients are served on a first-come first-served basis.

Questions? For more details and other tax site locations in Illinois, call 1-888-827-8511 or visit the website www.economicprogress.org.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Amazing Grace

Hey everyone!

I thought y'all might enjoy this great old hymn. I really enjoyed it! Turn up the sound.....


Have a great day and stay warm!

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Good morning!
I had a friend that sent the following video clip to me and I thought it was great and wanted to share. I hope you are inspired to keep moving forward and will never give up! We are CHOSEN! We are SPECIAL in HIS eyes! HE is with us every step of the way and we will live with Him forever in eternity! Wow! Don't give up!


I love y'all!

Cheri Lynn

Thursday, January 8, 2009

An Opportunity for a child/student in grades 5-10

This is an opportunity for a student or more to attend a great conference. If you are interested, please contact Nikki Green! The information below explains the conference!

Colleagues,Please consider taking advantage of an opportunity for your children. The 19th annual Expanding Your Horizons through Math, Science, and Technology conference will be held on the Illinois State University campus on Saturday, January 31, 2009. This is a one-day conference to encourage students in grades 5-10 to consider careers that involve skills in mathematics, science, and/or technology. While the focus is on recruitment of young women into these fields, male students are also welcome.Please check out our website: http://www.eyh.ilstu.edu and register your children for this worthwhile one-day conference that includes a keynote speaker, career mystery women, displays, and a choice of three hands-on workshops. Registration is being accepted through January 20th. Cost is only $25 and includes, t-shirts, bags, lunch and a full day of activities.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bible Reading January 8th - January 21st!

Wasn't tonight just awesome? I just love our nights together. You guys are my family and I so appreciate each one of you. I love you guys!
I am going to post the Bible Readings for the next two weeks and will also try and make a few posts during the two weeks.

Here you go!

Thursday, January 8th
Hebrews 13:5
Be content - enjoy the blessing that God will never leave you nor forsake you!

Friday, January 9th
Proverbs 10:4 and Ephesians 4:28
Plan to use your hands to do the work it takes to achieve your goals! In Ephesians, notice why the Bible says we should do something useful with our hands....

Saturday, January 10th
Malachi 3:6-12
A look at God's wrath when His people withhold from Him.

Sunday, January 11th
I Timothy 6:1-10
Look at the basic necessities - really we have what we need - thank God for those blessings.

Monday, January 12th
Proverbs 14:29 and 20:21
Make a plan and be patient to see it all the way through.

Tuesday, January 13th
Matthew 6:25-34
A great look at how we should trust God to meet our needs. Verse 33 is amazing if you really think about it - seek FIRST the Kingdom - then worry about the "stuff".

Wednesday, January 14th
Proverbs 30:8-9
Another reason being content is so important. If we "get" too much, we may turn our eyes away from God. Better to stay hungry for Him and dependent on Him!

Thursday, January 15th
Matthew 19:16-30
Here is a look at what Jesus sees when he sees us loving our treasure more than Him.

Friday, January 16th
I Timothy 6:17-19
Real treasures - according to the Bible.

Saturday, January 17th
Proverbs 16:8
Be a good manager of what you have - it's better to have a little and know that you stand righteous before God than to have a lot of "toys" but no good standing with God.

Sunday, January 18th
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
A cheerful giver....it's easy to do when you remember that God is the one you are giving to!

Monday, January 19th
Proverbs 22:9
Your "food" could be a lot of things...literally food, money, clothes. It's just the idea that God's children share!

Tuesday, January 20th
Psalm 37:7-16
Don't worry if other people are getting ahead of you - especially ones who are not committed to God. He sees it all and will administer justice.

Wednesday, January 21st
Luke 12:13-21
If you know that your heart is right toward God - then you're not a fool. Tonight, we'll look at how to grow in our financial security in God-honoring ways!

See you there!!

Have a great two weeks! I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn