Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Note from our Teacher


I was just reading some excerpts from Dr. Kevin Lehman's book, "How to have a New Kid by Friday". In it, he lays out in very easy, fast reading why the kids act out, why it's a problem every time you do not properly respond, and strategies for dealing with it.

Like I said at our last meeting, you don't need to be praying for God to bring someone into your child's life to correct their lack of respect and/or discipline problems. God entrusted these kids to you -- and he can equip YOU with everything you need to take loving control. I had another thought regarding that: If (let's say) that another person did come into your child's life and spoke truth to them, got them to see where they were causing themselves problems, helped them grow into becoming someone better --- you know what? That new person will become your child's hero, and they will use that as one more proof that you aren't a good parent. For you to want someone else to do what God has entrusted to you - you will lose out on a fantastic relationship with your child.

Now is the time. Why did God bring you to GEMS? Why did He lead us to be discussing this important issue? I believe it's because He's answering your prayers of wanting peaceful, successful, loving homes. It starts with you - and I absolutely believe you can do it with the help and strength of the Holy Spirit as you invite Him in through prayer.

If you feel you need some immediate reinforcement and new ideas, I'd encourage you to pick up a Christian parenting book and feed your mind. Here is the link to Dr. Lehman's book. If you click on "excerpts" you can read a few pages to see if it would be helpful to you.

I'm praying every day for God to grow the seed we planted together last Wednesday. I will be really excited to hear praise reports. Stay encouraged you beautiful GEMS. We're in this together!

Love ya,

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