Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bible Reading for the next two weeks!


I am sorry I missed everyone last evening, but I was a little under the weather and also had family in town.

I am putting the daily Bible Reading on here for the next two weeks so you can reference it if you don't have your paper handy. I love y'all!

Remember: God is good ALL the time and ALL the time, God IS good!

Love ya! Cheri Lynn

Thursday, 10/09/08
Proverbs 2:1-8
Got Wisdom? These verses give practical ways to seek God's wisdom. Don't miss where the Bible says what kind of people we need to be in order to receive this wisdom (vv. 7-8)

Friday, 10/10/08
Proverbs 2:9-15
Look at the benefits of growing in wisdom.

Saturday, 10/11/08
1 Cor. 1:24-31
These verses assure us that God uses all His people - not just the rich, famous, and super-talented. As a single Mom, God wants to use you and your children in His Kingdom.

Sunday, 10/12/08
Proverbs 8:4-11
God possesses all the knowledge we need. Verses 10-11 show us how valuable God thinks wisdom is!

Monday, 10/13/08
Isaiah 33:6
This one verse sums up the greatness of God. Remember that "fear" means awe and reverence.

Tuesday, 10/14/08
Proverbs 2:13-18
Another look at how God values wisdom. Look especially at vv. 17-18. Wisdom (applied truth to our lives) leads to peace and comfort.

Wednesday, 10/15/08
Romans 11:33-36
Here are some verses that speak about the mystery of God. Some things about God we will never understand. What we need to understand, He revealed to us in Christ.

Thursday, 10/16/08
Proverbs 16:16-17
Are you catching the theme that one of the greatest riches you could ever hope to have in this life is wisdom?

Friday, 10/17/08
Proverbs 17:16-24
Pray today and ask God for the ability to be a "discerning man" so that your spirit opens up to receiving God's wisdom.

Saturday, 10/18/08
Proverbs 14:6, 18:15
Look at the characteristics of the wise!

Sunday, 10/19/08
Colossians 4:2-6
Notice what Paul did with his understanding about the Gospel? He proclaimed the "mystery" of Christ. You and I must do the same as we grow in our understanding of God!

Monday, 10/20/08
James 5:15-21
Some very practical teaching from James about how a wise person should live.

Tuesday, 10/21/08
Colossians 1:9-14
I prayed this prayer over our group at our last GEMS. Who do you know that needs this prayed over them? In your prayers today, lift that person up!

Wednesday, 10/22/08
Phillippians 3:7-11
Knowing Jesus ---- having the knowledge of Him is worth trading everything for!!

See y'all tonight!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cheri Lynn, Thank you so much for adding the weekly bible readings. It's amazing how much strength I garner by at least starting and ending my day in the Word.

    Last night at GEMS was amazing. Thanks so much for praying for me..I love you all!

