Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bible Reading 4/2 - 4/15/09

Hey y'all! Better late than never! Have a great two weeks!

Thursday, 4/2
Col. 1:9-14
Man, if this doesn't make you want to stand up and shout "Glory, Hallelujah!" you are reading with your eyes closed! How marvelous is the love of God!

Friday, 4/3
Col. 3:12-13
Another loving list of the characteristics of a Christian.

Saturday, 4/4
1 Timothy 1:15-17
When we are tempted to lose our patience, these verses remind us that Jesus has unlimited patience with us!

Sunday, 4/5 ((My son Nathaniel's 8th birthday!)
James 5:7-12
Brother James has a lot to say about patience. It helps us to remember that we are not living for this world - but we are living for our eternal life with Christ!

Monday, 4/6
1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
A beautiful look at how the virtue of patience and perseverance affects the way we love.

Tuesday, 4/7
Micah 7:7
This verse shows us the heart of a faithful prophet who knew that his hope is in the Lord - even if he has to wait on God to work on his behalf.

Wednesday, 4/8
Lamentations 3:25-26
Another look at waiting on the Lord in faithful hope.

Thursday, 4/9
Psalm 27:14
While we wait - we actively choose to be strong...and we actively choose to wait...this is the source of our quiet confidence.

Friday, 4/10
Proverbs 16:32
It's interesting how the Bible defines strength...patience is stronger than a person who can wipe out other people.

Saturday, 4/11
Romans 8:17, 18, 35-37
Paul develops an interesting argument for how important it is to view our suffering in light of Christ's eternal grace.

Sunday, 4/12 Happy Easter!! Happy Resurrection Day!!!!!
Hebrews 12:1-3
We want to be free from all the hindrances of this world so that we can reflect God's glory. When we make active choices to let His light shine in us...to live according to His will, we honor His sacrifice for us on the cross!

Monday, 4/13
1 Peter 4:13-16
Sometimes we suffer because we are Christians - others make fun of us or leave us out of things. Praise God that they can tell you are a believer in the Risen Lord!

Tuesday, 4/14
Romans 2:7
It is "worth it" to live our lives in ways that honor God...to persevere even when things are hard.

Wednesday, 4/15
Ephesians 4:32
Tonight at GEMS. we will discuss "kindness" and "goodness" as they relate to us growing in our fruit of the Spirit.

See you tonight!!!!

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