Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bible Reading: December 3rd - December 16th!

I can do everything through Him who gives me strength! --Philippians 4:13

Wow! What a great night we had last night. The above is our memory verse for the next two weeks. I have put our Bible Reading below too! Remember to take time to "Meditate" as you go through your day!

Thursday, 12/3 Psalm 19:14
Meditate on desiring to meditate. Meditate on Whom you are talking to - your Rock and your Redeemer!

Friday, 12/4 Psalm 139:1-18
Meditate on verse 14 - praising Him and truly receiving deep in your soul that you are a precious work of God.

Saturday, 12/5 Psalm 1:1-3
Meditate on wanting to be a Christian that people want to be like. This Psalm shows us the benefit of meditating - we prosper.

Sunday, 12/6 Psalm 104:33-35
On this Sunday, celebrate God by meditating on the joy you feel when you are in His house. Meditate on praying for the lost and asking God how He can use you to reach them.

Monday, 12/7 Psalm 73:21-26
Meditate on what you are like when you are not walking closely with God (vs. 21-22) Then meditate on the amazing truth that God is always with you!! (vs. 23-26)

Tuesday, 12/8 Psalm 139:23-24

Meditate on coming clean before God. What is bothering you? What do you need to confess to God? Allow yourself to be completely honest with Him and then just listen...just listen.

Wednesday, 12/9 Psalm 143:5-6
Meditate on what God has already done for you in your life. Think about how He has already been there for you. Open your hands upward and receive His strength in your soul.

Thursday, 12/10 Psalm 119:105-112
Meditate on how amazing the Bible - God's Word - is.

Friday, 12/11 Psalm 119:41-48
Meditate on God's unfailing love and the fact that you have salvation!! Out of gratitude, we want to follow His laws and precepts.

Saturday, 12/12 Psalm 119:73-80
Look again at vs. 78. Meditate on God's justice. We need to focus on living the way God wants us to - and let Him handle justice for those who will not follow Him.

Sunday, 12/13 Joshua 1:7-9
Look at how important God thinks His Word is through the words He speaks to His leader, Joshua. Meditate on the power of the words in the Bible and asking God to let them transform you.

Monday, 12/14 Psalm 4
Meditate about allowing speaking to God to replace speaking to others in anger.

Tuesday, 12/15 John 14:27
Meditate on this peace that Jesus wants to give you. Make room in your spirit and soul to receive this peace by meditating on Him.

Wednesday, 12/16 Philippians 4:8
This is a great list of things to meditate on. Nothing on this list would lead to stressful thinking!

See you tonight at GEMS!!
Love y'all!

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