Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tribute to a Single Mom

Happy Mother's Day all you beautiful ladies!

Lisa sent the following to me and I thought I would share! Enjoy!


Parenting is never easy,
But it’s widely known
That raising children is still harder
When you’re all alone.

All the duties two would split
Are now maintained by one.
With so little help
It’s often hard to get things done.

This is why the single mother
Gets our highest praise.
Her life of sharing has a way
Of filling up her days.

She’s asked to be both warm and loving.
Filled with patience rare;
But when her strength is needed,
She is also firm and fair.

She must fill in where fathers do,
Expand her mother’s role.
To every new requirement
She gives her heart and soul.

She seldom gets her proper share
Of rest and relaxation.
Her life is one of sacrifice
And selfless dedication.

She gives so much and asks so little
Of the world around her
That one could say that fate has blessed
The children who surround her.

-Bruce B. Wilmer
(Copyright© 1989, 1991 Bruce B. Wilmer)

Enjoy your Mother's Day!

Love y'all!

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