Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday, April 30th - Matthew 24:27, 44....

Good Evening!
I am sorry I am a little later tonight, but I had a wonderful evening with a friend and family.  I even grilled out in all this wind!  Whew!  I thought I was going to take off a couple times and I am not even a pilot!  I kept clicking my heels together and looking for Toto, but.....

Let me get started!
Matthew 24:27, 44 - Be ready!!  We don't know when He will come, but we do know that HE WILL come!  Nobody knows the hour, the day, the year - anything!  Only God the Father!!

Luke 18:8 and 21:7 - I prayer that we remain faithful to our Lord and Savior!  May we be found faithful!!!

1 Corinthians 1:7 - We do not lack ANYTHING and we eagerly await HIS return!

1 Thessalonians 2:19 and 3:13 - Indeed, you are our glory and joy!

2 Peter 3:4 - They have looked for the 2nd coming for years, and years!  Maranatha!!  Lord Jesus come quickly!  We need You!

I can't wait for Jesus' return!  It is so hard to imagine what Heaven will be like!  My son wonders if there will be food?  Will there be sports?  I have a hard time being patient when I speak of HIS return! 

Sleep well GEMS!  Maybe we will see you tomorrow!  Happy Lord's Day!
Cheri Lynn

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