Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday, June 6th - Psalm 12


This has been one of the longest days!  My son went to his first day of camp today and it was rough.  We had prayed last night and again this morning that all would go well and he would be the shining light that God wants him to be.  He was afraid of making new friends and being alone.  Both his little sister and I prayed again and asked the Lord to use him for His glory and to make new friends and to feel the Lord's presence with him.
I picked him up this afternoon and he said, "Hey Mom, I made new friends and I had a pretty good day!  Our prayers were answered!"  It made me smile and swell with pride in my son, in that he knows who to turn to in times of need - his Savior and Lord, Jesus.

Lisa's tweet for today was: LMRMinistries: Psalm 12: Ever feel like you are the only one trying to do right? Stay in touch with a community of believers.  The Lord will protect us.
There are days that I wonder as I look around if anyone else really cares.  I see people around me getting upset at little things and flying off and using the Lord's name in vain...It hurts me!  I want to run up to them and say, "Do you know that Jesus died for you?!?!?!?"  Instead I run to my small group or confidants and we pray together!  HE is faithful and true to protect us and to keep us safe.
Out of the mouths of babes comes such wisdom - Derlani to her brother -"You got this brother!  Jesus is with you and you can do anything with Him!"  The Lord will protect us and keep us in His arms!

I love y'all!  Sweet dreams!  Blessings!
Cheri Lynn

1 comment:

  1. How precious -- Trust in the Lord with all your heart - lean not on your own understanding. You are doing such a great job of teaching and modeling this for them.
