Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Bible reading and thoughts 3/5-3/18

Hey all you GEMS! I am back! I am so sorry that i couldn't get things posted, but everything is good to go now with my computer and I will catch up with everything. It was so great to be with everyone at GEMS on Wednesday night. I am praying for all of you! Take care and keep on keeping on! I love you gals!

Thursday, 3/5/09
Nehemiah 8:12
Look at the people's response to what Nehemiah said in 8:10. Now that you have heard from the Word about joy - go out and celebrate!

Friday, 3/6/09
Psalm 119 verses 14,16,72,97,103,104,111,127
In these verses, we see how sweet it is to love God's commands - and the joy they bring.

Saturday, 3/7/09
Isaiah 12:1-3
Verse 3 is one of my favorite Bible verses. When i am weak - I picture myself drawing from the well of His salvation - that is JOY!

Sunday, 3/8/09
Romans 14:17-18
Another great look at what equals true joy.

Monday, 3/9/09
Psalm 4
This is a great Psalm - "God please hear me when I call - thank You for being holy - I will follow Your ways - thank You for giving me JOY"

Tuesday, 3/10/09
Psalm 97
Exalt the name of the Lord! vv 10-12 are so powerful as they speak to us! Be faithful!

Wednesday, 3/11/09
Psalm 32
This is a good reminder of the JOY that comes when we confess our sins to God and know that we are walking in forgiveness.

Thursday, 3/12/09
Psalm 16
Wow - this is so full of amazing images of God's love and provision for us. Verse 11 is just good stuff.

Friday, 3/13/09
Luke 10:20
A large group of disciples have come back to Jesus reporting that "even demons are submitting to them". Jesus breaks it down for them "rejoice because your names are written in heaven."

Saturday, 3/14/09
Psalm 5:11-12
Rejoice in God's protection!

Sunday, 3/15/09
Psalm 28:6-7
God hears your cry for mercy and He helps. Quiet your life so that you don't miss the ways in which God is helping you.

Monday, 3/16/09
Psalm 68:4-6
I especially love how God provides families/community to those who need them. Rejoice before Him in prayer and worship.

Tuesday, 3/17/09
1 Peter 1:3-9
This is a very full passage - and at the root is the true source of our joy....we have salvation and He gifts us with JOY.

Wednesday, 3/18/09
Philippians 4:4-9
Paul wrote these word when he was in prison! Be diligent in prayer and keeping your focus on God - not your problems. Receive the JOY He has for you when you fill yourself with Him.

See you tonight! :o)

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