Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bible Reading 4/16 through 4/29/09


How goes things? Hope everyone is having a great two weeks! I think Spring is around the corner - at least I hope so! See y'all in two!

Thursday, 4/16
Eph. 2:4-10
Remember to stay humble and in touch with the amazing kindness of God to you!

Friday, 4/17
Psalm 86
There is so much emotion in this Psalm. These are great words to pray when asking the Holy Spirit to help you be kind to a difficult person.

Saturday, 4/18
Romans 12:2 and Eph. 4:22-24
Christians don't act like the rest of the world. With the Holy Spirit in you, you can be transformed in your mind and actions when you partner with Him.

Sunday, 4/19
Psalm 51:10
This is my battle cry when i am caught up in thinking and/or acting ugly. I have this verse memorized so I can call on it like Spiritual 911!

Monday, 4/20
John 14:16-17
Look at Jesus' promise that His followers would receive the Holy Spirit and He would live in them. The Holy Spirit gives you the power to be better than you are on your own.

Tuesday, 4/21
Matt. 5:46-47
Another look at Jesus' challenging teaching for us to be other-centered and to give kindness to those who have not necessarily been kind to us.

Wednesday, 4/22
1 Peter 2:19-20
These verses show that God is aware that there are times when we have to suffer even when we haven't done anything wrong. He gives a strong teaching here.

Thursday, 4/23
Romans 15:1-7
Sometimes, a good step to being kind is to start with being accepting of another person.

Friday, 4/24
1 Cor. 13:4-7
As you read this, remember that Jesus wants you to show love even to those who are difficult to love.

Saturday, 4/25
Col. 3:12-14
We have talked about these verses before in GEMS - but they are powerful words to direct how we live.

Sunday, 4/26
2 Peter 1:5-9
What an incredible list! Especially key in on the words "increasing measure". We're not supposed to be perfect - just constantly increasing!

Monday, 4/27
Psalm 119:65-72
A beautiful picture of God's goodness. Again, I think this is a great Psalm to pray to God in order to grow in goodness.

Tuesday, 4/28
2 Thes. 1:11-12
I love verse 11 - by His power He fulfills every good purpose of ours. SO COOL!!!!!

Wednesday, 4/29
Gal. 6:1-7
Tonight we will be talking about "gentleness".

See you there!!

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