Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bible Readings for 11/19 - 12/2/09

Hey Beautiful GEMS!

Here are the Bible passages Lisa gave us last night. For your reading pleasure and spiritual growth....

Thursday, 11/19 Colossians 3:15-17
Several keys to strong Christian living are outlined here: Peace, be thankful, let the WORD dwell in your heart! (remind you of our memory verse?)

Friday, 11/20 Colossians 1:9-14
Vs. 12 - Did you know that as a follower of God, you are a saint? That doesn't mean you're perfect - it means you are saved and set apart to live according to God's ways. That should make you walk taller today - you are a saint of God!

Saturday, 11/21 Colossians 2:6-7
The more you "live in Christ" - the more you think about Him and His ways, the less time you have to make bad choices that lead you away from the strength He wants to give you.

Sunday, 11/22 Psalm 100
We are HIS! That is a really awesome way to live life. We're strong and joyful because God knows us and cares what happens in our lives! That's something to be thankful for!

Monday, 11/23 Psalm 116
This psalm is FULL of amazing characteristics about God - He listens, He helps, He saves, He protects...on and on! Vs 17 tells us that because He is so great - we stop in our day and offer up our thanks to Him.

Tuesday, 11/24 Jonah 2:1-10
In the famous story of Jonah (if you do not know it yet, read the whole book of Jonah) Jonah is in the belly of the whale. Look at the end of vs. 6 - can you relate to God bringing you out of the pit? Be thankful that He's calling you to "what's next" in your life!

Wednesday, 11/25 Romans 1:18-32
This is an interesting look at what the lives of people who do not love God and follow Him look like. Don't be fooled by thinking God doesn't know what's going on. They are not thankful to God - and He lets them live in their misery.

Thursday, 11/26 2 Corinthians 4:13-18 Happy Thanksgiving!
Today as you are with your families, think about these words, "I believed; therefore, I have spoken." Look for opportunities today to influence your family for Christ - to show them what He means in your life.

Friday, 11/27 Ephesians 5:15-20
Choosing to live in God-honoring ways leaves room in our lives for us to be joyful and "make music in your heart" - you literally feel like thanking God because you are feeling good about life.

Saturday, 11/28 Philippians 4:4-8
Get your focus off of yourself and your problems. Spend some time praying and laying it out to God - and start by focusing on good things. Talk to God about how amazing He is, how you are curious about Him...get focused on Him first - then lay your problems on Him.

Sunday, 11/29 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Short and sweet. These are some keys to Christian living!

Monday, 11/30 1 Timothy 2:1-6
This is a good reminder to pray for others - especially the leaders of our country. Offer thanks for the good things they do - pray for God to lead them when they fall short.

Tuesday, 12/1 Psalm 106:1-6
These verses remind me of how big God is. He is good - and He deserves our thanks for all that He is and that He counts us in His "inheritance".

Wednesday, 12/2 Psalm 136 GEMS tonight!!!!
Give thanks to the Lord - for He is good. This Psalm lets us remember that God is the creator of everything! And He still cares about each of us. That's amazing and worthy of our thanks! See you tonight!!!

Enjoy the next two weeks as you read, pray and thank God for His love, His care, and His grace!!! God is good all the time - All the time God is good!!!

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

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