Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bible Reading for January 21st to February 3rd, 2010

Let's read and be blessed!

Thursday - January 21st
2 Tim. 3:16-17
This is another great memorization verse. This informs us Christians of what we believe the Bible can do in us and through us. It answers the question, "What is the Bible good for?"

Friday - January 22nd
Mark 12:18-27
I think this is really interesting and motivating. Jesus is rebuking the "religious" people because they don't know their "bible" well enough. Jesus is clear - know the Word of God so that you can live it.

Saturday - January 23rd
Rom 15:1-7
In this passage (and chapter 14), Paul is talking about judging each other. Especially notice vs. 4. God's Word is given to us in practical, daily living.

Sunday - January 24th
Heb. 4:12-13
Talk about TRUTH!! God's Word will cause us to stop doing things that are not good...it is a sharp sword that can get us to turn from doing "bad" - just because God said!

Monday - January 25th
2 Pet 2:16-21
Peter is testifying about the truth of the Scriptures and where the Word of God comes from.

Tuesday - January 26th
Psa. 19:7-11
What a beautiful description of the Word of God! Laws, precepts, commands, ordinances...all names for the "ideas" of God.

Wednesday - January 27th
Psa. 119:97-104
Wow - to love the Word of God so much that living according to its teachings makes it "easy" to turn away from things that are evil! How does the Word 'taste' to you (vs. 103)? Is it sweet or do you find it bitterly hard to take?

Thursday - January 28th
Psa. 119:113-120
Look at the richness of the promises of God in this passage...but also be aware that God strongly teaches that we need to choose Him. Stay close to Him through your study of His Word!

Friday - January 29th
Psa. 119:161-168
The first verse here grabs me. I would paraphrase it as, "Even if all kinds of big, bad things are happening - so long as I have You, God, and the comfort of Your Word, I'm good."

Saturday - January 30th
Psalm 1
How can you keep from being pulled to do things that are wrong...or not God honoring? By "delighting" in God's Word - letting IT be what pulls you and directs your path. Memorize verses that will help you stay on track.

Sunday - January 31st
Col. 3:12-17
Wouldn't the world be an INCREDIBLE place if all of us lived out vv. 12-15 like the Word tells us to? Vs 16 is the key - hold each other accountable by using the Word as our measuring stick.

Monday - February 1st
James 1:22-25
This teaching is very clear. Whatever you learn from the Bible - put it into use!!!

Tuesday - February 2nd
Luke 6:46-49
Jesus instructs us on the importance of using the Bible knowledge that we have and applying it to our lives. What is your house built on?

Wednesday - February 3rd
Psalm 119:11
This was our first scripture memorization verse this semester. Revisit this - let it truly soak into your soul today. Praise God and thank Him for the wonderful gift of the Bible!

See you tonight! We will be studying the Spiritual Discipline of Solitude.

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