Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bible Reading Passages 2/18 - 3/3/2010

Here you go ladies! Let's read together and be fed!

Thursday - February 18th
Matt. 7:13-14
These verses talk about the need to submit to God's ways of living our lives. The message is beautiful - God's ways lead to LIFE!

Friday - February 19th
Rom. 15:1-3
Paul writes to instruct us on putting others' needs above our own as we follow Christ's example.

Saturday - February 20th
1 Corinthians 10:23-24
This passage tells us that while it's possible to do whatever we want - everything does not lead to good things.

Sunday - February 21st
1 Cor. 10:31-11:1
Living our lives in ways that honor others is a way that we can be a good witness for the Christian faith.

Monday - February 22nd
1 Cor. 13:4-7
Ultimately, love is the only reason we would choose a life of submission. It is our response to the love of God first showed us.

Tuesday - February 23rd
Phil. 2:1-5
Another beautifully written passage illustrating the biblical approach to submission.

Wednesday - February 24th
Luke 14:7-11
These verses give a practical look at how being submissive leads to others having a higher view of us.

Thursday - February 25th
Luke 18:9-14
Here is another passage about the benefit of humility. The tax collector was not being submissive to the Pharisee - but submissive to the power of God's truth.

Friday - February 26th
Rom. 12:9-21
Paul writes about the connection between love and considering others above yourself.

Saturday - February 27th
Eph. 4:1-6
Bear with one another...in love. Love is the key to choosing life of submission to others.

Sunday - February 28th
John 12:23-28
Jesus models how He submits to God's plan for the world...and what He expects of those who follow Him.

Monday - March 1st
John 6:35-40
Jesus Christ is the Messiah and the Savior of all. Look at His incredible understanding of submission in verse 38.

Tuesday - March 2nd
Phil 3:7-14
This is a look at a life lived according to God's ways. We do not lose - even though we have to let go of some things...they lose their appeal compared to the things of God.

Wednesday - March 3rd
Rev. 2:18-19
Wouldn't it be the best feeling in the world to have the Lord speak these words about you?

See y'all tonight at GEMS!!!

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