Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bible Reading 11/4 through 11/17

Hey GEMS!!!
I wanted to get the Bible Reading Plan out here so that we can all keep going with our daily reading of His Word.

Here you go! Enjoy!!

Thursday - 11/4
Luke 8:4-15
This is a parable ( a story Jesus used to teach us some truth). What kind of soil are you? Especially notice verse 13 - what happens when you are tested...do you fall away? Verse 15 - how do we show we are good soil? It's that "P" word that we learned in James 1.

Friday - 11/5
1 Corinthians 10:13
This is powerfully good news! No matter what you are tempted with (temptation comes from Satan, not God) - it's not some new thing! Satan uses the same old tricks. God is aware of Satan's schemes, and He will guide you and provide you with ways to get away from the temptation.

Saturday - 11/6
Matthew 6:13
Jesus teaches us how to pray for help in fighting temptation. We must partner with God by praying, "God - give me your eyes to see temptations around me...Lord, I ask you to guide me in making right decisions that prevent mefrom even going near that evil."

Sunday - 11/7
Luke 4:1-12
Jesus was tempted, but He never sinned (2 Corinthians 5:21). Notice that Jesus used the Word of God - Bible Verses - to rebuke Satan and have victory over temptation! His example teaches us that we have to know the Bible to grow stronger in our ability to resist temptation.

Monday - 11/8
Luke 4:13
The battle doesn't end just because you have one vistory. Keep your guard up at all times...begin your day in prayer...ask God for the eyes to see temptations and His empowering stength to resist it because Satan will wait for a more opportune time to send his demons to mess with you.

Tuesday - 11/9
God tests His
Listed are places in the Bible that demonstrate that God is interested in testing His people so they can grow to be more like Him: Genesis 22:1 Exodus 16:4 Exodus 20:20 Deuteronomy 8:2, 16 Deuteronomy 13:3 Judges 2:22 2 Chronicles 32:31 Do not be surprised at tests/trials. They are biblical!

Wednesday - 11/10
1 Peter 1:3-9
Take your time with this passage. It is so full of amazing truth. God speaks clearly of "why" we have trials...how He uses them for our good and for His glory. He talks in this passage about the purpose of life...what the "goal" is...to be His people...to have His joy...
This is an amazing pericope! :o)

Thursday - 11/11
Proverbs 4:10-19
James taught us to ask for wisdom. Here is another look at the benefit of asking for God's wisdom. A careful reading of this text shows us that God provides the wisdom, but we still must take action to appropriate it...to choose God's ways in order that His guidance plays out in our lives.

Friday - 11/12
1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Because we are God's people through our faith in Christ, we are able to understand spiritual things that others - without His Spirit - cannot. Continually pray and ask God to give you more of His wisdom and understanding.

Saturday - 11/13
Ephesians 5:15-21
Here is a practical teaching about living with God's wisdom as your guide. When we are filled with God's wisdom, good things flood our thoughts and our hearts. Out of the overflow of our hearts, we speak and act in ways that build up ourselves and others.

Sunday - 11/14
Ecclesiastes 8:1
Do you recognize the truth in this? When you see a person who looks peaceful, who seems joy filled - their face is what shows that. When you feel confused, overwhelmed, fearful and lost - your faceshows that as well. God's wisdom truly makes us beautiful - inside and out!

Monday - 11/15
Acts 3:1-4:22
Long stroy to read, but you need the context to fully appreciate Acts 4:13. Peter and John were unschooled, ordinary men - but through the power of the Holy Spirit - which they fully allowed to work through them - they were extraordinary in wisdom.

Tuesday - 11/16
Psalm 7
Keeping James 1:13-15 in mind, read Psalm 7:14-16. When we open ourselves up to evil, it takes root and grows. Now read Psalm 7:10-13, 17. God is your shield against the plots, schemes and works of evil. Stay close to Him through prayer and you will walk in His righteousness.

Wednesday - 11/17
1 Peter 5:6-10
Be on your guard and stand firm in your faith. Don't be surprised by trials...stand strong in the truth that God provides you a way to resist evil and temptation through prayer, reading the Word and being in fellowship with other Christians. :o)

See you tonight!!

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