Thursday, November 13, 2008
Bible Readings for next two weeks.......
Here are the Bible readings for the next two weeks! I will be praying for each of you and will see you in December! I will be with family in Missouri for Thanksgiving. Y'all enjoy the potluck and know that I am thinking of you! I love y'all!
Remember: God is good ALL the time and ALL the time God IS good!!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn
Thursday - Nov. 13
Matthew 7:1-5
We want God to judge others, but we cannot forget that we are sinners too. Look what Jesus says about us judging.
Friday - Nov. 14
Matt. 18:21-35
Read again about the parable of the wicked/ungrateful servant. God has forgiven you for all your sins against Him…He expects us to forgive those who sin against us.
Saturday - Nov. 15
Mark 11:25-26
Jesus is talking about having faith (in vs. 22-24). Notice what He says about how our attitude should be when we pray!
Sunday - Nov. 16
Eph. 4:29-32
A great list of good ways to live. Notice that, again, the Bible teaches us that we need to forgive because we are forgiven people!
Monday - Nov. 17
Col. 3:11-14
How can we forgive someone? Put on love!!
Tuesday - Nov. 18
Luke 6:37-38
The way we judge others is a measure of how God can judge us. Live like the redeemed woman you are! Choose forgiveness.
Wednesday - Nov. 19
Titus 2:11-14
Take a look here at what Jesus did for you – how He knew that you were wicked, but He loved you enough to forgive you.
Thursday - Nov. 20
Luke 17:1-4
This is so amazing to me. Jesus know that we are going to sin – and He teaches very practically about what we should do when someone sins against us.
Friday - Nov. 21
1 Cor. 13:4-7
Love conquers all. Even when we don’t have the strength to forgive, we think about the love God has for us and we find the strength to “keep no record of wrongs”
Saturday - Nov. 22
Matt. 5:43-48
Strong teaching from Jesus about how He expects us to love our enemies.
Sunday - Nov. 23
Luke 7:36-50
A beautiful story that shows how those who have been forgiven much – love much.
Monday - Nov. 24
2 Cor. 2:5-11
Paul writes to the Corinthians to instruct them about forgiveness.
Tuesday - Nov. 25
Hebrews 12:12-15
Do your best to live in harmony with everyone.
Wednesday - Nov. 26
Romans 12:17-21
Paul tells the Romans to do their best to live at peace with everyone.
Have a peaceful day – See you at GEMS tonight!
Various links from Lisa.......
Here are the links and stuff that Lisa mentioned last night. I will get the rest of the Bible Study stuff on here after I get back from an errand. Hope y'all had a blessed day!
Love y'all! Cheri Lynn
In depth study about forgiveness – with worksheet:
Song: Something Heavenly
(Sanctus Real – Something Heavenly)
Video Interviews with Christians about forgiveness
Forgive Others
Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A note from Lisa.........
It's a crisp fall day as I look out my window. I had a bit of rough start this morning with my kids (it is a rare thing for us, but I'm sure you can all relate that it was "one of those days"). We were all good by the time they left, but it wasn't an easy morning. Just as I was gearing up to get really irritated at my son, I dug deep and threw up a "Please enter in here Lord - because I'm about to get ugly". And He did -- kept my tongue for going silly. This week, I was reading Psalm 141 and verse 3 stuck out....maybe God was getting me ready for this morning.....?
Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord;
keep watch over the door of my lips.
I'm reminded that even when I want to put off ugly ways -- I have to replace that ugliness with the beauty of God's truth. It's not enough for me to "want" to be a good mom -- I need His help. When I am tempted to lose control of my tongue, I try to hold it -- but that's not enough. I put off the sin (hold my tongue) - but the Bible tells us that if we want victory over sin, we also have to "put on Christ" (Eph. 4:22-24, Romans 13:14)--in this case, I "put on" that Bible verse as my way of holding off losing my tongue. Because of His Holy Spirit living in me, we were able to navigate this morning with more victory than shame. That Bible verse running through my head was what I could focus on instead of getting wrapped up in my irritation. God is good - and He's an ever present help in time of need.
We need to know His Word so well that we can call up those verses we need when we need them! At GEMS next week, I'm going to outline something for those who want to have a structured way to read through the Bible in a year. I'm going to start on this journey again and I think it would be awesome if we did it together!
Last thing: Next week (Nov. 12) we will be talking about forgiveness. God has been leading me to some really wonderful teachings about forgiveness....and how we can walk in freedom from the burden that other people put on us. Every one of us has been hurt in some way in our lives. The Bible stands ready to teach us the way to live in freedom from those hurts.
I hope you'll be able to join us. I'm looking forward to our time together - please be praying for our next meeting. Lift up the message to God...for Him to communicate what He wants us to hear. Pray for your small group.
I daily pray for GEMS. It is a huge blessing!
Have a good rest of your week.
Blessings to you!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Bible Readings for the extra week.......
Here are the readings for the next week before we meet on the 12th.
Thursday - November 6th
Acts 2: 44-47
This is a beautiful look at how the church in the first century "did community!"
Friday - November 7th
John 15:13-15
Jesus calls His disciples "friends" because he looks on them as the people He can trust to carry his message to the world.
Saturday - November 8th
2 Chronicles 20:7 James 2:23 Galatians 3:29
Abraham was one of God's faithful servants! Look what james says about how God viewed Abraham. Look at the promise in Galatians!
Sunday - November 9th
I Corinthians 12:12-27
We are part of the body. Every believer around you is part of the body. No one is more important than another - we need to build each other up! It brings all of us up when we do.
Monday - November 10th
Ephesians 3:14-21
This is a beautiful Scripture to pray for your small group at GEMS - and any other believers in your life! We are all one "family"! (vs.15)
Tuesday - November 11th
I Thessalonians 4:9
A simple verse - but one that I believe God expects from us.
Wednesday - November 12th
Hebrews 10:22-25
Reach out to your Small Group today - call them or email them to encourage each other to come to GEMS tongiht!! :o) "Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another." (vs. 25) See you tonight!!
Have a great week!
Love y'all!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Bible Readings for the next few weeks........
Here are the Bible Readings for the next couple weeks!
Thursday - October 23rd
I John 2:1-12
Another look at how we should live out our love for others.
Friday - October 24th
I John 3:11-19
Practical teaching about how we should love our "brothers" - those in our lives who are in God's family.
Saturday - October 25th
John 15:9-17
Jesus' shows His love for His disciples - and what He asks of them.
Sunday - October 26th
Leviticus 19:18
Loving guadance from the Lord.
Monday - October 27th
Romans 12:9-21
Paul's words to the Romans encouraging them to show love to each other.
Tuesday - October 28th
I Corinthians 13:4-7
True love is........
Wednesday - October 29th
Galatians 5:13-15
We are free in Christ - this passage instructs us on ways to use that freedom.
Thursday - October 30th
Phillippians 2:1-5
More guidance on ways we can express love to one another.
Friday - October 31st
Colossians 3:12-15
Remember to reach out to those we have differences with.
Saturday - November 1st
I Thessalonians 3:12-13
This is a good scripture to pray and ask God to increase your ability to love.
Sunday - November 2nd
Galatians 6:10
Remember to look around at church for new people today.
Monday - November 3rd
Hebrews 13:1
Keep on loving!!
Tuesday - November 4th
I Peter 3:8-12
Verse 8 is a challenge to try to live out!
Wednesday - November 5th
I John 4:7-12
So much love: From God to us through Jesus -- and from us to each other. Love is so great - I pray you have grown in your knowledge of love through God's Word these past two weeks!
I will post another weeks readings when I receive them from Lisa. Have a great two weeks!
Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn
Friday, October 10, 2008
Bible Yellow Pages
I was looking at the notes that Lisa gave me and realized I forgot to include the link to the Bible Yellow Pages web address. Sorry!
Here it is:
Have a great weekend! I love you gals!
Love and Prayers!
Cheri Lynn
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Bible Reading for the next two weeks!
I am sorry I missed everyone last evening, but I was a little under the weather and also had family in town.
I am putting the daily Bible Reading on here for the next two weeks so you can reference it if you don't have your paper handy. I love y'all!
Remember: God is good ALL the time and ALL the time, God IS good!
Love ya! Cheri Lynn
Thursday, 10/09/08
Proverbs 2:1-8
Got Wisdom? These verses give practical ways to seek God's wisdom. Don't miss where the Bible says what kind of people we need to be in order to receive this wisdom (vv. 7-8)
Friday, 10/10/08
Proverbs 2:9-15
Look at the benefits of growing in wisdom.
Saturday, 10/11/08
1 Cor. 1:24-31
These verses assure us that God uses all His people - not just the rich, famous, and super-talented. As a single Mom, God wants to use you and your children in His Kingdom.
Sunday, 10/12/08
Proverbs 8:4-11
God possesses all the knowledge we need. Verses 10-11 show us how valuable God thinks wisdom is!
Monday, 10/13/08
Isaiah 33:6
This one verse sums up the greatness of God. Remember that "fear" means awe and reverence.
Tuesday, 10/14/08
Proverbs 2:13-18
Another look at how God values wisdom. Look especially at vv. 17-18. Wisdom (applied truth to our lives) leads to peace and comfort.
Wednesday, 10/15/08
Romans 11:33-36
Here are some verses that speak about the mystery of God. Some things about God we will never understand. What we need to understand, He revealed to us in Christ.
Thursday, 10/16/08
Proverbs 16:16-17
Are you catching the theme that one of the greatest riches you could ever hope to have in this life is wisdom?
Friday, 10/17/08
Proverbs 17:16-24
Pray today and ask God for the ability to be a "discerning man" so that your spirit opens up to receiving God's wisdom.
Saturday, 10/18/08
Proverbs 14:6, 18:15
Look at the characteristics of the wise!
Sunday, 10/19/08
Colossians 4:2-6
Notice what Paul did with his understanding about the Gospel? He proclaimed the "mystery" of Christ. You and I must do the same as we grow in our understanding of God!
Monday, 10/20/08
James 5:15-21
Some very practical teaching from James about how a wise person should live.
Tuesday, 10/21/08
Colossians 1:9-14
I prayed this prayer over our group at our last GEMS. Who do you know that needs this prayed over them? In your prayers today, lift that person up!
Wednesday, 10/22/08
Phillippians 3:7-11
Knowing Jesus ---- having the knowledge of Him is worth trading everything for!!
See y'all tonight!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Kick Off and Schedule!!!!!!!!
Can you believe that the kids go back to school next week? Can you believe that the middle of August is upon us? Do you know how much I have missed all of you? I can't wait to get back together!!!
I met with my Small Group tonight and it was awesome! Even though everyone couldn't make it - we had a great time of fellowship and food! :o) We all mentioned how we miss each other and can't wait to start back up again.
Well, guess what? The GEMS Kick-off is just around the corner!
September 10th - 6:00pm at Eastview
I can't wait to see everyone! I will be there early to greet y'all! :o)
The rest of the schedule is posted on the side. Every other week, beginning September 10th. That means 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/12, 11/26, 12/3, and 12/17 in 2008! 2009 looks like this: 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, 3/18, 4/1, 4/15, 4/29, 5/13 and 5/27/2009.
Put the dates on your calendars and bring your friends. You are in for a real treat!
See y'all soon!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn
Friday, August 1, 2008
I am sure that everyone thought I had fallen off the earth, but it has just been a very busy summer. I have missed seeing y'all, but I have been keeping the road hot between here and Camdenton, MO. We got my folks moved last week and the kids and I are going down next week (Wednesday) for a family reunion. My sister is hosting and it should be a great time together.
I have been praying for all of you and can't wait to get back together. I hated to miss the picnic, but we were out of town. Hope everyone had a great time. I thought about you!
Well, my youngest is ready for bed. Have a great weekend everyone and know that I love y'all and pray for you daily!
God Bless y'all!
Cheri Lynn
Thursday, July 3, 2008
We’ll be taking a look at this wonderful idea of “peace” in the next 2 weeks.
To walk in peace throughout every part of your life is an amazing thing. So much of what our culture throws at us may be “fun”, but it isn’t peaceful. Unfortunately, Satan does a good job of making our human hearts think that we need “fun” more than we need peace. God has wired us for peace – but that doesn’t mean we can’t also have “fun”. What we find is that when we live in such a way that we are pursuing peace, God opens our eyes to amazing “good, clean fun” that fills us up and truly replaces our desire for the worldly “fun” that only leads to fighting, pettiness and regrets.
I’ll be praying for peace in your life – but as you’ll see, peace doesn’t just “happen”…read on!!
Love ya~
Thur/July 3: Psalm 34:11-14
The fear of the Lord means that we love Him and have reverence for Him. Notice in verses 13 and 14, the psalmist is telling us to do certain things that will lead to peace. We have to actively choose to live peaceful lives. If all you do is pray for peace but you do not exercise control over your tongue (meaning watch what you say), you are not going to get peaceful results from your relationships. The Holy Spirit in you will help you hold unkind words in – pray and ask for His help.
Fri/July 4: John 8:31-37
In celebration of Independence Day – read these verses and celebrate your freedom from sin and eternal death!!
Sat/July 5: Matthew 5:9
This verse is found in a sermon of Jesus’ known as “The Beatitudes”. He give practical advice on ways to live. Again, notice that he says the “peacemakers” are blessed, not the peaceful. It takes effort to live a peaceful existence.
Sun/July 6: Romans 12:17-21
Paul writes of more ways to live the peaceful, Christian life. Note that this section revolves around verse 18. The other verses just give good practical advice on how to live out your peace.
Mon/July 7: 2 Corinthians 1:2 and then 2 Corinthians 13:11
Notice how Paul opens his letter by wishing “grace and peace” to them (sound familiar? From Doug’s teaching on June 29). In the closing of his letter, Paul wishes them peace again, but here, he is telling them that they need to choose to live that way.
Tues/July 8: 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
The Greek word for “quiet” is the same root word from which “peaceful” also comes. Do you live your life by minding your own business and being productive? You can be a better witness for the love of Jesus in your life if others see you living a peaceful, “quiet” life.
Wed/July 9: Hebrews 12:14
Another verse that is to the point of why we should try to live peaceful lives.
Thur/July 10: James 3:13-18
I love the book of James. He just lays it out. Look how he ties wisdom to peace. Take an honest look at yourself: Do you live with envy, selfish ambition or disorder in your life? Do you want more wisdom and to live in a higher way? Read James 1:5-8.
Fri/July 11: Jeremiah 29:12-13
For those of you who wonder if God hears when you pray (like for wisdom that we read about yesterday) – read this as an assurance that God hears you when you come to Him with a sincere heart.
Sat/July 12: Galatians 5:22
This is the list of the “Fruit of the Spirit” that lots of Christians talk about. Take stock of where you are right now spiritually. Notice that it is not the fruits of the Spirit – it is the fruit (singular). If we are allowing the Spirit to run our lives, all of these characteristics should show up in our lives – not just the ones that are “easy” for us.
Sun/July 13: Ephesians 4:20-32
Another great writing from Paul about how to live a peaceful, Christian life. It is not easy to deny our nature – believe me I know that as much as you. The truth of the Bible shows us that when we choose to live how Jesus taught us, we have peace. When we do what we want and don’t care about Jesus’ way, it can lead to pain and separation from God and others.
Mon/July 14: Philippians 4:4-7
God’s peace is yours when you stay close to Him in prayer.
Tue/July 15: Psalm 85:8-13
God promises peace – but not if His people are going to act like fools. Peace is a benefit of living God’s way – we have to choose to live peacefully. Salvation is completely free – we don’t deserve it and we can do nothing to “get” it: We only have to accept it. Peace, on the other hand, is ours to choose once we have the Holy Spirit living in us.
Wed/July 16: Acts 10:34-36
Peter the apostle/disciple of Jesus is talking for the first time to a man who was not a Jew about the fact that Peter is finally understanding that Jesus came to save all people, not just the Jews. You are so fortunate to live in a time and country where it is easy for you to choose to listen to God and to love Christ. Following Jesus leads to peace.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Let's pray for one of our own.....
I am sorry I have been off for a couple weeks, but I was out of town and then had a very frustrating time with my email and couldn't get things and read things and..... Please forgive me! I am back and wanting to share things with y'all.
I am sure several of you have gotten emails about the loss of our dear sister Lisa. Lisa's Mom passed away on Thursday morning. Lisa is doing okay, but hurting and dealing with all the family stuff too. Please lift her up before the Throne and ask God to give her and the family that peace that only He can give.
I love y'all and will be writing more later!
Remember: God is good ALL the time and ALL the time, God is good!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Note from Lisa and Daily Bible Reading Update
I am up early and sitting at my computer on a beautiful sunny morning. I see the incredible nature of God in the way He faithfully grants each of us a new day in which to make an impact the people around us. I have been daily praying for you and I’m looking forward to being with you again – whether at summer picnics or when we get together in the fall!
God has been leading me to Psalm 139 this week, so we’ll spend some time looking at this interesting section of God’s word.
Love ya!
Thur/June 19: Psalm 139:1-4
You know how you sometimes hear that “God is always with you”? This section shows us one place where the Bible teaches us this. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, no matter what you say – the Lord is there.
Fri/June 20: Psalm 139:5
Here, we see the loving protection of God. He lays His hand upon you. Are you seeing it? Sometimes, we miss how God is protecting us because He isn’t doing it in the way we want. If you are truly His child, you are a part of His promises, and He is protecting you. If you’re not “feeling” this, perhaps a good prayer starter today is, “Father, please show me how you are protecting me – open my eyes to see you.”
Sat/June 21: Psalm 139:6
In this verse, the “knowledge” is God’s complete knowledge of every single thing about us. Do you ever find yourself doing or thinking things and you wonder, “Where did that come from? Why am I acting/feeling like this?” We mystify and amaze ourselves sometimes—but God knows us more deeply than we can know ourselves. Because of this, as we draw closer to Him, He reveals more and more about who we are to us.
Sun/June 22: Psalm 139:7-8
One of the characteristics of God is that He is omnipresent. This means that because He is Spirit, He is in all places at all times. Our human minds cannot really understand how that’s possible. But, this verse assures us that this is true. What a comfort to know that the God we worship is able to be there for each one of us at all times no matter where we are. Additionally, we need to remember that because God is omnipresent, He sees everything we do…”The Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little hands what you do.”
Mon/June 23: Psalm 139:9-10
The idea in verse 9 is that God sees the entire scope of the world. The “wings of dawn” meaning where the sun comes up (in the east) and “far side of the sea” probably meaning (at the time of this Psalm’s writing) the most western seas. Again, we see the promise and comfort from verse 10 – He will lead us and guide us everywhere we go.
Tue/June 24: Psalm 139:11-12
We cannot hide from God. He sees all the wonderful things you are doing everyday, and He sees the ugly things you do. Remember, you are not condemned for the “bad”, but you do need to confess them to God and simply ask His forgiveness.
Wed/June 25: Psalm 139:13-16
I LOVE these verses. I refer to them all the time when I’m talking to someone who does not like the way God made them. Either they think they are too short, too tall, too fat, too skinny, too slow, they have a disorder, they’re not pretty enough, their nose is too big, it’s too small, etc. etc. Read these verses and see that God made you. He does not make mistakes. Every person is wonderfully made. Another way to understand these verses is, ““I thank you because I am so wonderfully and mysteriously made, and because all your works are so wonderful; you know me completely” (Robert Bratcher)
Thur/June 26: Psalm 139:17-18
These verses give us a way to worship God. When you are getting wrapped up in the problems of your life, it’s so easy to lose the “big picture perspective”. In verses 17 & 18, the psalmist is reminding us that the God who knows us and is with us has more “thoughts” than we could ever imagine. He is so immense and incredible—yet, He personally cares for each one of us. You are precious!
Fri/June 27: Psalm 139:19-22
Wowser! Strong words! #1 – I love the honest emotion we see here. This guy was not afraid to lay out exactly how he was feeling—and we should never be afraid to do the same with God. The psalmist is showing his hatred for those who are enemies of God. He is so in love with the Lord that he cannot stand those who hate God. Of course, we have to strike the right balance between hating the sin, but loving the sinner.
Sat/June 28: Psalm 139:23-24
Are there any of us who have “anxious thoughts”? Use these 2 verses as a prayer to the Father. You can’t hide anything from Him anyway, so open up and acknowledge that you want Him to search you. Looking at the very last line – what a loving conclusion to this great Psalm. God, “Lead me in the way everlasting”. It’s only the things of God that last; our lives are better and stronger when we live according to His ways.
Sun/June 29: Psalm 143:10
This is a great follow up prayer verse. By ourselves, we cannot always do the good things we know we should and that we want to do. Here is an honest prayer that says, “God, I need you to show me how to be like You.”
Mon/June 30: Psalm 26:2-8
Verses 2 & 3 again touch on the idea of God examining our hearts. Verses 4-8 give some ways that a Christian lives when she is wanting to please God.
Tues/July 1:Jeremiah 17:10
I keep taking us into the Old Testament because I believe it is very important for us to see that the core characteristics of God have been around for thousands of years and He does not change. That is a comfort to me when my world is going crazy. I am hooked up to God who has seen it all and still the world continues. Here, God again assures us that He sees what we do and rewards us for choosing right ways. Never forget, however, that when you do wrong, you can be forgiven – but His forgiveness cannot take away the consequences that come from our choices.
Wed/July 2: Ephesians 4:20-32
Paul is writing to the church and telling them to remember that they are Christ’s people. He reminds them (and us) that when we choose to live as His children, we are new creations. With each new day, we can grow towards being more like Him. Paul gives some specific examples of ways to live a God-honoring life.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Cardboard Testimonies......?
I was trying to catch up with my email and found an email from a friend that she had forwarded from one of our GEMS. Anyway, it was a video from YouTube and I wanted to share it with you. I thought it was very thought provoking and wanted to hear your thoughts. Watch and listen and let me know what you think!
Have a great evening and a blessed Lord's Day!
God is good ALL the time - All the time God IS good!
Love ya!
Cheri Lynn
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Proper Storage Prevents Spoiling
I hope all of you had a great three day weekend and remembered to pray for all those that have served and are serving our Country. I actually got away from town for a couple of days. It was nice to just relax.
I received this from one of our Mentors and wanted to pass it on. Enjoy!
Eating more fruits and vegetables is a requirement for every healthy eater. But when you buy more fresh produce, do you end up throwing away more than you eat? You're not alone. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Americans throw away nearly 31.6 million tons of food every year. And a recent University of Arizona study found that the average family tosses 1.28 pounds of food a day, for a total of 470 pounds a year! That's like throwing away $600! Storing fresh produce is a little more complicated than you might think. If you want to prevent spoilage, certain foods shouldn't be stored together at all, while others that we commonly keep in the fridge should actually be left on the countertop. To keep your produce optimally fresh (and cut down on food waste), use this handy guide.
Countertop Storage Tips
There’s nothing as inviting as a big bowl of crisp apples on the kitchen counter. To keep those apples crisp and all countertop-stored produce fresh, store them out of direct sunlight, either directly on the countertop, in an uncovered bowl, or inside a perforated plastic bag.
Refrigerator Storage Tips
For produce that is best stored in the refrigerator, remember the following guidelines.
* Keep produce in perforated plastic bags in the produce drawer of the refrigerator. (To perforate bags, punch holes in the bag with a sharp object, spacing them about as far apart as the holes you see in supermarket apple bags.)
* Keep fruits and vegetables separate, in different drawers, because ethylene can build up in the fridge, causing spoilage.
* When storing herbs (and interestingly, asparagus, too), snip off the ends, store upright in a glass of water (like flowers in a vase) and cover with a plastic bag.
What to Store Where: A Handy Chart
Use this color-coded key along with the chart below:
Store unwashed and in a single layer
Store unwashed and in a plastic bag
Store in a paper bag
*Ethylene producers (keep away from other fruits and vegetables)
Store in Refrigerator
Apples (storage >7 days) - Apricots - Cantaloupe - Figs - Honeydew
Artichokes - Asparagus - Beets
Blackberries - Blueberries
Brussels sprouts - Cabbage
Carrots - Cauliflower
Celery - Cherries
Grapes - Green beans
Green onions
Herbs (except basil) - Lima beans - Leafy vegetables - Leeks
Mushrooms - Okra
Spinach - Sprouts
Summer squash - Yellow squash
Store on Counter top
Apples (storage < 7 days) - Bananas Tomatoes
Basil - Cucumbers - Eggplant - Garlic - Ginger - Grapefruit - Jicama - Lemons - Limes - Mangoes
Oranges - Papayas - Peppers - Persimmons - Pineapple - Plantains - Pomegranates -Watermelon
Store in a Cool, Dry Place
Acorn squash
Butternut squash
Onions (away from potatoes)
Potatoes (away from onions)
Spaghetti squash
Sweet potatoes
Winter squash
Ripen on Counter, Then Refrigerate
Avocados - Nectarines - Peaches - Pears - Plums
*More about Ethylene:
Fruits and vegetables give off an odorless, harmless and tasteless gas called ethylene after they're picked. All fruits and vegetables produce it, but some foods produce it in greater quantities. When ethylene-producing foods are kept in close proximity with ethylene-sensitive foods, especially in a confined space (like a bag or drawer), the gas will speed up the ripening process of the other produce. Use this to your advantage if you want to speed up the ripening process of an unripe fruit, for example, by putting an apple in a bag with an unripe avocado. But if you want your already-ripe foods to last longer, remember to keep them away from ethylene-producing foods, as designated in the chart above.
Food is expensive, and most people can't afford to waste it. Print off this handy chart to keep in your kitchen so you can refer to it after every shopping trip. Then you'll be able to follow-through with your good intentions to eat your 5-9 servings a day, instead of letting all of that healthy food go to waste.
Have a great rest of the week!
Cheri Lynn
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sky Angel.......
I had received this video clip a few weeks ago and then Lisa sent it to me today. I wanted to share it with all of you and let you be encouraged as well. Out of the mouth of babes...... We do have someone to lean on when we think we are alone. HE is there/here/everywhere!
Enjoy! Have a good day tomorrow!
Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A must see........
A snippet from a great message entitled "How great is our God!" by Louie Giglio. This section talks about Laminin - an amazing molecule in the human body. A must see!
I love y'all!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Cheri Lynn
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Kids Eat FREE .........
The following is a list of the restaurants in Bloomington/Normal where kids eat free or for a minimal amount. This list can also be found on WJBC's website:
Kids Eat Free List
Alexander's - kids eat free
Famous Dave's - kids eat for a $1
Flat Top Grill - kids eat free
IHOP - kids eat free
Old Chicago - kids eat free
Alexander's - kids eat free
Bennigan's - kids eat free
Carlos O'Kelly's - kids eat free
Denny's - kids eat free
Fazoli's - kids eat for 99 cents
Lone Star - kids eat free
Wings Etc. - kids eat free
IHOP - kids eat free
Buffalo Wild Wings - kids eat for 99 cents
Buffalo Wild Wings - kids eat for 99 cents
Schlotzky's - kids eat free
Lone Star - kids eat free from 11am - 4pm
Quiznos - 99 cent kid's meal w/ purchase of a full price adult combo
Alexander's - kids meals are $1.50
Chevy's - kids eat free - 1 child per adult
La Siesta - kids meal free w/ purchase of entree
Q'doba - kids eat free
Fiesta Ranchera - kids eat free
Olive Garden - kids eat free
Quiznos - 99 cent kid's meal w/ purchase of a full price adult combo
Carlos O'Kelly's - $2.50 off child's meal w/ purchase of an adult meal
(child's meals are $3.49 or $4.49)
Redfire Grille - kids eat free w/ purchase of adult meal
Denny's - kids eat free every night from 4pm - 10pm
You may want to verify with the restaurant before hand...the information provided is subject to change. Enjoy!!
Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Check out the movie ratings .....
Lisa mentioned a web site last evening that you can use to find out about movies and TV shows. There were several others mentioned, but I didn't write them down. Please send them to me and I will link them in here! My email is listed under the Leadership Team.
Here is the one Lisa mentioned:
The song that was played at the end last evening was: "Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns.
Hope y'all have a great and blessed weekend. Remember: Shine for Him as we are LIGHT!
Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Have I told you lately how very special each of you are to me, but better yet, to God? He is working even now to paint a beautiful sunrise to greet His children this morning. It may be a little dark or filled with brilliant color, but He is saying "I Love You" no matter what the picture.
I challenge you today to look at the little things He is doing for you and thank Him! You may be surprised to see how His hand is in everything you do and see today! Count your blessings and see what God is doing for YOU!
Lisa and Nikki sent me a short video from GodTube yesterday and I want to share it with you. Some of you may have seen it, but it is worth watching over and over. I cry every time i watch it as I think about the love this father has for his son, but more so the love our Father has for each one of us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and we are His GEMS!
This is a really powerful video on God Tube showing the selfless love of a father for his son - a love that wants to give all the best in life to his son. The song in the background parallels the love The Father has for us.
Enjoy the movie and please say a prayer of thanksgiving afterwards for all He has done and is doing in your life and our lives as His church! Remember: God is good ALL the time! ALL the time, God IS good!
Maranatha!!! Lord Jesus come quickly!!
I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Enjoy a laugh!
You HAVE to watch this video. This will show you what a good Christian man is looking for in a woman :) Hee hee hee -- enjoy!!!!
Have a great weekend!
Cheri Lynn
Friday, April 11, 2008
Bible Reading Schedule
Daily Bible Reading that Relates to our Study
Thur/April 10
Deuteronomy 31:6, Deuteronomy 31:8, Joshua 1:5, 1 Kings 8:57
It’s all over the place in the Bible – God is there for you!
Fri/April 11
Romans 8:1-13
There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus – He loves you just as you are. He calls you to live according to the way His Spirit leads you.
Sat/April 12
John 3:18-21 Jesus is talking and saying that He did not come to condemn us, but to show us the truth that we can live by.
Sun/April 13
1 Corinthians 2:10-15
If God’s ways seem like foolishness to someone, they need to check themselves…
Mon/April 14
Genesis 2:20-24
Read about God’s original design for men and women.
Tues/April 15
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Re-read this passage and ask God to teach you His ways.
Wed/April 16
Genesis 39:1-23
A story of a strong Godly man who did the right thing sexually.
Thur/April 17
Genesis 40:1-23
More of the story of Joseph. It doesn’t look like things go well for him even though he followed God’s ways.
Fri/April 18
Genesis 41:1-9, 39
Finally, for all his obedience, God is blessing Joseph.
Sat/April 19
1 Peter 2:11
God knows that it’s difficult to fight against our desires. Our lives can be a witness for the great things He does for us.
Sun/April 20
Galatians 5: 16-22
A great study in the contrast between living for sinful desires and living by God’s Spirit.
Mon/April 21
Psalm 119:75-72
The goodness of God to those who love and obey Him.
Tues/April 22
1 John 3:7-10
Do not be led astray – you are a child of God!
Wed/April 23
Ephesians 5:1-17
Paul is again writing instructions on how we can live to please God.
See you tonight!!! (April 23rd - 5:30pm)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Dating Jesus
Julie Ferwerda
"You'll never be satisfied in a relationship until you're satisfied with Jesus."
If you're single, you've probably heard the well meaning, albeit superficial-sounding, vague admonition thrown at you usually by seemingly content married people. Great. How in the heck do you find contentment with Jesus when you feel the daily nagging ache for true earthly love--the love that even God said is the better way (Genesis 2:18)?
Really, I've found there's only one way. Date Jesus. And the reason why married people "insensitively" tell you in so many words to do this, is because they know that marriage doesn't solve all your longings for intimacy and belonging. They're trying to give you the hint that, while marriage has it's advantages and is overall a good thing, it isn't the end all to loneliness and love hunger. Many have discovered this only after they got married and were still lonely. Now they're letting you in on the secret: only by dating Jesus will you find what you're truly searching for.
I just so happen to be married, but a few years ago when I was single--and lonely--I began dating Jesus. Now that I'm married, I still date Jesus. My husband, great guy though he is, can't possibly be all I need for unconditional love, security, intimacy and belonging. Nor I for him. Without dating Jesus, I'd still be as lonely as a raft at sea.
Is it possible? Is it weird, thinking of Jesus as a romantic interest? And how do I do it?
The Bible tells us that when we get to our heavenly kingdom, we (his followers) will walk the holy matrimony aisle as his bride, celebrating our own great wedding day with our Prince of Peace (Revelation 19:7-9). That means to me that while we're here on earth, we are in a sacred courtship with the King of kings. We're in the relationship-building stage, getting to know him mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but not getting to be united with him physically ... until our wedding day. There's nothing weird about thinking of Jesus like your greatest romantic interest, even if you're a guy. He wants that kind of intimacy with you so that he can win your heart with his amazing, perfect love, and make you ready for the big day when you get to live happily ever after with him.
So how do you date Jesus? Here are some ways that work for me, but the sky is the limit for creativity--just like any true dating relationship. The key is to make it spontaneous, personal and a major priority. And then you'll find that he begins showing up for dates--sometimes with flowers, love notes, and rainbows!
Read his love letter daily. My best experience for getting into the Word daily is by reading the One Year Bible in the New Living Translation. It's broken up into 15-minute daily readings from Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs and is a very readable, intimate version. I've done this the last five years, and I can't believe how much he's revealed to me about Himself and the relevance of his Word to my daily life. If you don't like going back and forth so much, try the One Year Chronological Bible (NLT).
Write letters. This can be done in a notebook or on your computer, but open up to God regularly with your thoughts, cares and concerns. Express your love for him. Make future plans with him. Write just like you would to a most intimate lover. This brings him in so close and personal, and you can bet he's reading every word you write. Get ready for him to respond!
Record his answers. In my prayer journal where I write letters to him, I also have a section where I write all the things he does or speaks into my life. This is such an awesome record to have because I forget. I go back periodically and read about all the intimate secrets he and I have shared, character qualities he has demonstrated to me, and details he has worked out in my life. And I am so amazed at how they add up to significant events and opportunities. I see on paper how he's continually romanced me through the years. He's taught me that all the great qualities I see in earthly men are just a dim reflection of the pure qualities in the One who created them.
Walk and talk. Every couple falling in love enjoys leisurely, frequent walks, hand in hand. Talk to him as a best friend because he is truly there with you. If you like music, bring your headphones and make it a worship time. You will feel so refreshed in his love.
Set real dates. These usually occur in nature for me. I'll go to a river, a park, a garden or up in the mountains with my Bible and worship music and hang out with him for an hour or two in beautiful seclusion. At this point, he usually starts showing off, captivating me with his majesty, pointing out amazing things he formed with his bare hands ... for me. Taking in sunsets, sunrises, star gazing or walks after rainstorms also make inspiring dates where I've communed with him at incredibly deep levels. His presence feels as near as my very breath. No human could touch the holy romance of the intimate moments we share during these times.
Make cards or gifts for him. One Valentine's Day when I was feeling particularly lonely and a bit sorry for myself, I got out the construction paper, glue, glitter, and markers and made Jesus the fanciest valentine ever. I felt so happy when I was done, remembering I did have Someone to love and dote over--Someone who just so happened to have invented love. And there he was, waiting to capture my heart as well!
Study Him. Remember falling in love and yearning to know everything you could about a person and what they've done? I love looking into fascinating facts and phenomenon about nature because they tell me about the amazing One who made them. I've checked out things like snowflakes (it's easy to check out pictures online of some of these things), northern lights, galaxies, quarks, bugs (I happen to be fascinated by color, intricacy, and variety), rainbows, fractals, mysterious sliding rocks in Death Valley, Lechuguilla Crystal Caves in New Mexico and so many more of the mysteriously beautiful creatures and creations worldwide. The more I learn about his creation, the more I fall in love with his limitless imagination and power.
Through dating Jesus, you'll begin to see and hear him in your life every day ... through nature, other people, his Word, and in the way he arranges the details of your life so intricately and beautifully. Don't miss the chance this year to truly enter the most wonderful dating relationship of your life. Even after you're married, you'll be so glad you did.
When Julie Ferwerda isn't wrapped up in her heavenly dating life, she's writing for Christian magazines and websites, keeping up with two teenage daughters, and enjoying life in central Wyoming with her husband, Steve. She is the author of the book for singles, The Perfect Fit: piecing together true love. For more info, go to
Friday, March 28, 2008
I am so sorry that I didn't make the meeting Wednesday evening. I was with my kids in southern Illinois and we were having some much needed R&R. I hope everyone had a great time and I will look forward to hearing every one's impressions.
Keep checking the Blog as i will add stories and notes and pictures and things. Feel free to send Prayer Requests and/or Praises to me and I will add them to the Blog. We need to be in prayer for each other!
Have a great week and a half and I will see you in April.
Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Rejoice with us!!!!

Your sins are washed away and you are a New Creation in Christ. You are washed whiter than snow! Praise the Lord! We all witnessed Sara's baptism as she became a New Creation!
If you have any questions as to accepting Christ as your personal Savior or about baptism or anything else, please feel free to write any of us on the Leadership Team and we will be happy to talk with you and pray with you.
God is good ALL the time - ALL the time God is good!!!
I love you GEMS!
Have a great week!
Love and Prayers,
Cheri Lynn
Saturday, March 15, 2008
A Note from our Teacher
I was just reading some excerpts from Dr. Kevin Lehman's book, "How to have a New Kid by Friday". In it, he lays out in very easy, fast reading why the kids act out, why it's a problem every time you do not properly respond, and strategies for dealing with it.
Like I said at our last meeting, you don't need to be praying for God to bring someone into your child's life to correct their lack of respect and/or discipline problems. God entrusted these kids to you -- and he can equip YOU with everything you need to take loving control. I had another thought regarding that: If (let's say) that another person did come into your child's life and spoke truth to them, got them to see where they were causing themselves problems, helped them grow into becoming someone better --- you know what? That new person will become your child's hero, and they will use that as one more proof that you aren't a good parent. For you to want someone else to do what God has entrusted to you - you will lose out on a fantastic relationship with your child.
Now is the time. Why did God bring you to GEMS? Why did He lead us to be discussing this important issue? I believe it's because He's answering your prayers of wanting peaceful, successful, loving homes. It starts with you - and I absolutely believe you can do it with the help and strength of the Holy Spirit as you invite Him in through prayer.
If you feel you need some immediate reinforcement and new ideas, I'd encourage you to pick up a Christian parenting book and feed your mind. Here is the link to Dr. Lehman's book. If you click on "excerpts" you can read a few pages to see if it would be helpful to you.
I'm praying every day for God to grow the seed we planted together last Wednesday. I will be really excited to hear praise reports. Stay encouraged you beautiful GEMS. We're in this together!
Love ya,
Thursday, March 13, 2008
What a great night!
Lisa did a great job with the teaching as usual and I know we can all relate to what God shared through her! The video/song she shared at the beginning was hilarious and I have the link posted here.
I look forward to sharing with y'all in two weeks. Remember to check back often and see what we have added or to see the prayer requests and praises, etc. Drop me a line and let me know if you have things you would like to see on the Blog.
Have a blessed week!
Love and Prayers,
Cheri Lynn
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I am sure many of you think I forgot about you and the blog, but I have been offline for about a week. I finally got the flu/cold/whatever that has been going around and had the privilege of my kids having it at the same time! I called into work last Wednesday morning and finally went back today (Tuesday - 3/11). Nathaniel went back to school and Derlani to daycare today too! It was a rough week and weekend, but God provided the strength I needed to care for my children and for me! He is so faithful and good! As I always say: God is good ALL the time - ALL the time God is Good!
I received the following note from a very dear sister in Christ and wanted to share it with each of you. Please read it and think about it's meaning to each of us!
Hello, my beautiful Christian sisters!!! This is for my single sisters. I thought the first quote below was so neat. May it encourage us all to keep God #1 in our hearts and lives. We would be nobody without him. Life would have no meaning. It would be a waste. May you know God like never before. I love you!
"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."
When I say... 'I am a Christian' - I'm not shouting 'I'm clean livin'' I'm whispering 'I was lost, now I'm found and forgiven.'
When I say... 'I am a Christian' - I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' - I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' - I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' - I'm not claiming to be perfect, My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' - I still feel the sting of pain.. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' - I'm not holier than thou, I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Father God,
Thank you for Your presence in our lives. I pray and intercede for my fellow GEMS at this moment Father, and ask that You meet them where they are and provide their needs this day. May we be hidden in You that we know Your heart and Your grace! We love You!
In Your Son's Name I pray, Amen
I love you all and look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
Cheri Lynn
Saturday, March 1, 2008
God sent His Son for US!!!!
Wasn't Wednesday night just the best? Great food - Good Fellowship - Encouraging teaching from the Word - and Prayer. Wow!
Lisa shared a short movie with us that was very powerful. We have shared it here so that you could watch it again.
Let us know your thoughts and if you have questions or want to talk to anyone, please use the links and send us an email. We are here for you!
Blessings and Prayers,
You are beautiful creations!
Cheri Lynn
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Dancing with God

Friday, February 15, 2008
Praise and Prayer!!!!!!
I thought it might be nice if we could add prayer requests when needed and everyone could be praying and "standing in the gap" for each other.
If you have a prayer request or a praise, please send them to me ( and I will post them here on our blog.
You will notice that I have added a prayer request tonight. Let me know your thoughts about the Prayer Requests and Praises!
Remember: GOD is good ALL the time - ALL the time, GOD is good!!
Have a wonderful weekend GEMS!
Love and Prayers,
Cheri Lynn
What a GREAT evening we had!!!!
Anyway, wasn't Wednesday evening great? The supper was wonderful and the fellowship was awesome. Auntie Lisa gave a great introduction and then Lisa shared the study with us and the quick glimpse of where we are going. Wow! I can't wait!
Let's remember to pray for our Small Group leaders and for all the Moms and kids that are participating. What a great opportunity we have to share with each other and truly "shine" as the GEMS we are!
I will post the pictures as soon as possible! I love you guys!
Cheri Lynn
Friday, February 8, 2008
5 More Days!!!!

February 13th
Grandma's Hands

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Pictures are posted!

I have talked to several ladies and I am so excited about our next meeting. Everyone seems to have enjoyed the kick-off and are planning to bring a friend to the next one. Lisa is going to share and teach from Nehemiah. Don't forget your Bible!
Come and enjoy the fellowship, the laughter, and the study from God's word. You will have a great time.
Remember: God is good ALL the time - ALL the time, God is good!
God Bless! Have a great week!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
GEMS - What an AWESOME evening!
Lisa Miller-Rich ................. Nicki Green
I have posted some pictures to share the "Make-over" with you! It was a great evening and I can't wait to see what happens in two weeks! Don't forget your Bibles!! :o)

Keep checking back for new updates and more pictures. We will have pictures of the leadership team coming soon! God Bless!
God is good ALL the time - ALL the time God is good!!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It's Time to Register!
Your Name
Your Age
Your Phone Number
Your children's Names and Ages (of those that will be participating in Little Gems)
We're looking forward to our Kick-off on Wednesday January 30th!