Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday, February 1st - Proverbs 11:8,21

Good Evening!

Welcome to February!  When I got up this morning it was 2 degrees and felt like -18 degrees!  It is still cold outside, but the promise of warmer weather tomorrow, with a high of 31 degrees!  I still thank God for His many blessings in my life and give Him praise!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 11:8,21 ~ Do you think that doing things God's way will be boring and no fun? Great lie if you'll believe it and that lie will destroy your life

The story of good and evil - the good are rescued from trouble and go free, while the evil or wicked remain in trouble and will be punished.  God's way or the world's way?  We have a choice!

As I look at my life and I see how incredibly blessed I have been and I am at this very moment.  What a ride thus far....Please do not think that it has all been easy and I have just laughed and enjoyed every single moment because there have been many, many tough moments and things that I have had to endure.  I have sinned big time and asked forgiveness and moved on.  I know I have disappointed God many times, but He has always picked me up and hugged me when I have come and said I was sorry!  I can honestly say that my life has not been boring!
So many say that they need to be "perfect" before they begin their walk with God, as they are too dirty.  God accepts you as you are!!!  I was dirty and He made me clean!  We will never be perfect until that day when we go HOME and live with our Heavenly Father and Lord and Savior! 

It is your choice - God's Way or the world's way?  Which will it be?  I have chosen God's Way and have never regretted a second.  He continues to bless me beyond my wildest dreams and He disciplines me like a father does his children, but I would not change a thing.  I will continue to walk with Him, serve Him and give Him all the praise until the day I go HOME!

Have a great weekend!
Cheri Lynn

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