Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10th - Mark 5:21-34

Good evening!

Sorry, I didn't get the tweet before I left for work this morning and so I am just now getting to the blog.  Sorry!
I am so excited about tomorrow night - GEMS Kick-off!!!  Yeah!!!  Come and join us at Eastview - 6:00pm to 7:45pm!  It is gonna rock!!!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Mark 5:21-34 ~ This woman was desperate - she knew in order to get well, she had to be incredibly close to Jesus.  It's still the same  #stayclose

I love this passage of scripture.  I think it is interesting to see the faith of the two individuals - the synagogue ruler, Jairus and the woman with the bleeding problem.  Both knew the healing power that Jesus possessed and wanted Him to help them.  Jairus came right out and said what he wanted - Jesus to heal his daughter.  The woman just knew if she got close to Jesus she would be healed.

Did you notice in verse 29 that the woman knew if she got close enough to touch His garment, she would be healed and that is what she did.  It says that the bleeding stopped immediately and she felt she was free!  Yet, Jesus knew someone had touched Him and He asked.  The woman finally came forward and fell at His feet.  Jesus told her - your faith has healed you, go and be free of your suffering.
As Lisa mentioned, it is still the same today.  In order to have a relationship with Jesus, we have to be close to Him!  We can't come to church once or twice a year and expect to have a close relationship.  We need to be in His Word and to pray and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.  We have to be close!!!  Are you???

Sleep well!

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