Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, September 23rd - Proverbs 13:1-12

Good Morning!

Happy Lord's Day!  I hope to see many of you at church this morning!  Can't wait!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 13:5-6 ~ Do you hate the things (not the people) that go against God's ways?  What do you listen to, watch on tv/online, read? #guardyourmind

I look at verse 1 and rejoice in the fact that I had Christian Parents that disciplined me and raised me God's way.  "A wise son heeds his father's instruction,".  As I read this verse I also thought of me - do I heed the instructions of my heavenly Father? 
Verse 3 is important too:  "He who guards his lips guards his soul, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.  Look at James 1:19-21 and 3:1-12.  Those passages could be overlayed on this one and read very similar. 

Verses 5 and 6 that Lisa mentions are definitely stand-outs in this passage.  As I look around our world today I am angry and filled with dislike for the things that are happening.  As Lisa points out, I do not hate the people, but the things and the actions.  We don't even have to go as big as the world, but right here in our own towns!

Look at our own homes and even ourselves....What radio, Cd's or tapes (for the older crowd) do I listen to on a regular basis?  What programs or reality shows do I watch on TV or online?  What books or articles do I read?  Can you answer all these questions with honest wholesome answers?  We need to ask ourselves a couple questions when we look at the questions above:  a.  Is it edifying?  b.  Does the content honor God?  c.  Will I grow in my Christian life by listening/watching?  d.  What would Jesus do? - WWJD

Read the passage in Proverbs again and then the two in James.  How do you measure up?  I know I can make some improvements!  Remember, "God isn't finished with us yet!"  We are works in progress!

Have a stupendous Sunday!  Love y'all!

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