Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January 17th - Matthew 7:7-8

Good Evening GEMS!

Hope you have had a good day!  It is a little chilly outside, but suppose to warm up tomorrow - in the 40's I hear!  Yeah!  One more day and we start the weekend - a long weekend as the kids don't have school Monday or Tuesday!!  I don't ever remember getting all these days off school.  The kids are looking forward to being home though!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Matthew 7:7-8 ~ Seeking God isn't a "one and done".  If you have asked God to guide you, He may want you to keep asking before He answers.  Every prayer shapes you

I love these verses.  We know that God listens and HE provides for our every need.  We are truly blessed!  When was the last time you asked - you sought - and/or you knocked?  We can come to God anytime and He listens and He answers.  It may not always be the answer we desire, but an answer come.  Sometimes it may be a day or so, of even months, but He answers!  Just as He answers our prayers as we ask and we find something special as we seek ad most of all the door opens as we knock.  Let's grab on to each other and walk this life together as we ask - seek - knock!

Talk to you tomorrow!
Have a great evening!
Cheri Lynn

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