Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday, January 24th - Proverbs 17:20

Good Evening!

Sorry I am later today, but it has been one very busy day.  I have one at home with strep throat and another one that is feeling left out!  Thank you to a great friend and sister that came and stayed with the kids tonight for a little while so I could attend an appreciation meeting.  It was just what I needed - to be with friends and good Christian leaders and be encouraged.  It was a great evening.

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 17:20 ~ The most hateful weapon in the world isn't a gun; it's the mouth of a person who isn't letting God speak thru him/her #knockitoff

Remember how we have talked before that as you are in your heart - that will come from your mouth.  Your words and actions reflect your heart.  Remember how in James it says the tongue is like a fire?  We can really hurt, wound and even kill with our mouths/tongues.  Is that what we want to do?

When we let God speak through us, others see Him and not us!  They see what He is like and how He cares for every little detail of our lives!  Don't you want others to see Jesus in you?  I do!!  I strive and pray each day that others will see Jesus and not me!  It is not easy, but He has not asked us to walk alone!!!

Will you take the challenge and try to praise Him in every circumstance; pray for your friends at work, pray for your friends outside of work, pray for your church family; pray that others see Jesus and not you and pray that your every word, action and thought reflects Him.

I will talk at you tomorrow!
Love y'all!

Cheri Lynn

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