Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday, January 16th - Proverbs 10:8 and 12:13-14

Good Evening!

I am back!  Happy New Year!  I am sorry I was gone for awhile, but needed to take some time away with family over the holidays, and time for me - a time of self-examination, setting priorities, and spending time with my God and Savior!  I missed y'all and "talking" to you daily, but was blessed beyond measure!
Hope y'all had great Holidays and have started the New Year - 2013 with renewed focus and passion to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to be a fearless follower of Christ whose ridiculous love and dangerous witness are irresistible.
I love y'all and I am honored and privileged to serve with you this year and until our Savior returns to take us HOME!

Now, let's study together!  Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 12:13-14 ~ The words you let out of your mouth are the sound of what's in your heart.  Pray for a clean heart (Psalm 51:10) ~ Speak clean words

What a great night we had at GEMS last night!  It was awesome to see everyone again and to fellowship with each other and to hear God's truth as Lisa shared.  Wow!  Is your life a mess right now?  Have you just come through a mess?  Have you taken responsibility? 
Over the next two weeks we are going to address some of these things and give you encouragement and scriptures to help you along your daily walk with Him!

This is where it starts many times - with words!  We have talked before about the tongue and how it can get us into trouble.  As we spend more time in the Word, we begin to reflect His ways and His truth in our conversation, in our actions, and in our walk!  We speak clean words! 
Spending time in the Word of God and having a personal relationship with Him is KEY!  Accepting responsibility is hard, but rewarding at the same time.  Good comes to those that speak truth and clean words!

Let's walk this road together and hold each other accountable!  Jesus asks us to share each other's burdens, but also the joys and celebrations.  We are here for you as the GEMS Leadership, but most of all as your sisters in Christ!  Email us, call us or contact us and we will pray for you and with you. 

I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

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