Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday, July 28th - Esther 9, 10

Good Morning!

What a beautiful day after a rather long night.  My son wasn't feeling the best and so I was up off and on throughout the night.  It is another day and one to be filled with praise for my Lord and Savior and my God!

Lisa's tweets: LMRMinistries: Esther 9-10 ~ Esther wasn't afraid to ask for more on behalf of the Jews for whom she was interceding ~ 9:13.  Let us be bold like her and ask for more
LMRMinistries: Interesting fact - Did you know that modern day Jews still celebrate Purim (Feb. 23-24th, 2013)?  That holiday is from the book of Esther.

God used Esther and Mordecai in a powerful way!  The Jews had victory and were saved.  Haman's son's were hanged - ten of them - and it was known that Haman had been an enemy of the Jews and he and his family were destroyed. 
Mordecai became great and the second in command under King Xerxes and was trusted by all the people as he looked out for the Jews and was an honest man. 
Esther and Mordecai wrote the letters that put into law the Celebration of Purim with was done on two days and a time of rest and feasts and helping the poor.  As Lisa indicated - it is still celebrated!
Esther was a quiet, but powerful woman used by God! 

Have a wonderful Saturday and enjoy God's beautiful creation.

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