Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday, July 10th - Genesis 30:1-22

Good Morning! 

It is so very pleasant outside this morning.  They started cutting down my tree yesterday afternoon and so now the sun pours in my window!  It is beautiful!  How has your morning been thus far?  Great I hope!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Genesis 30:1-22 ~ Mandrakes: believed to be aphrodisiacs & help with fertility.  Rachel wanted her sister to help her get what she wanted: children.

Does this story sound familiar?  Remember Sarai and Hagar?  Sarai gave Hagar to Abram so that she could have a family through her and now we see the same thing happening with Rachel and Leah giving their maidservants to Jacob so that they may have children.  Wow!
Quite a rivalry between Rachel and Leah, but several sons and one daughter later, God opens Rachel's womb. 

Why do you think God waited?  Was Rachel's son going to do great things?  Did God want to teach Rachel something?  What was the Plan?
As I thought about these questions and the whole story, I began to see similarities in my own life.  I will be living life and feel that God is telling me something and when it doesn't happen right away, I try and do it on my own.  I usually fail, but then God blesses me and delivers in His time and it is beyond words exciting.  Patience!  Our timing is not God's and His is perfect!

Trust and know that God is beside you and will continue to bless and take care of you.  Remember, His timing is perfect! 

Have a great day!

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