Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12th - Acts 16:25-34

Good Evening!

Enjoying the cooler temperatures?  Definitely colder than yesterday, but a beautiful day all in all with the sunshine warming it up a little! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Acts 16:25-34 ~ At the brink of death (27), seeing the integrity of Christians around him led a man to choose life ~ for him and his family  #Jesussaves

I love this story!  Do you realize what Paul and Silas were doing at midnight?  They were praying and singing hymns!  They were having their own little church service and everyone in the prison was paying attention.  Then all of the sudden there was an earthquake and it opened all the doors of the prison.
Put yourself in the place of the jailer - what would you have done?  This was a big responsibility and all the cell doors were swung open and he assumed everyone was gone.  What would happen to him?  The authorities probably would have beheaded him anyway and so he went to take his own life.  However, Paul stopped him and then the story is full of joy - the Jailer approached Paul and asked how to be saved, listened to Paul and Silas and then was baptized along with his family.  Wow! 
Verse 34 says that the whole family was filled with joy because they had come to believe in God.

Let me ask you a couple questions:  How does worship affect you?  Do you really get into the praise songs and the prayers and the preaching of the word or do you just "quietly participate", thinking about other things that you need to do?  You know, we are going to have an eternity of worship - praising our God and Savior!  Hallelujah!  What a day that will be - when His face I see and I can raise my hands and sing His praises with all that I am!
Secondly, are you filled with joy?  Real joy that comes from deep within!  The kind of joy that helps us grow in our faith and helps us persevere.  Read James 1:2-4!  Joy is not always an outward expression, but many times and inward action.  Consider it pure joy when.....

How about you?  I choose to worship Him all day everyday with joy in my heart!  Read Psalm 100 and sing it to the Lord!  Begin to memorize this chapter and then use it often in your devotions!  It is true praise for the Father!

Love and prayers!
Cheri Lynn

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