Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8th - Luke 11:9,10

Good Evening,

What a day, but rewarding just the same.  The weather is suppose to turn a little warmer this weekend and I am looking forward to that!  How about you?

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Luke 11:1-12 ~ When you feel lost, where do you turn?  Talking to God in prayer works; you have to do your part.  Ask/Seek/Knock ~ He answers

I love this passage and especially the Lord's Prayer at the beginning and then verses 9 and 10.  Have you ever really looked at the Lord's Prayer?  It covers everything!  Praise - Worship - Supplication - Thanksgiving - the physical - the spiritual!  It is everything we need.  Think about it as you pray!

As for verses 9 and 10, these are a promise.  As Lisa says, we have to do our part as well.  We have to have a relationship with Him in order to be able to ask and to seek His will for our lives and to knock and ask for guidance, etc.  We have to be in His Word daily and also have a good prayer life.  This is how we get through each and every day!  It is important!

Memorize verse 9 and 10 and hide them in your heart!

Talk to you tomorrow!
Love and prayers,

Cheri Lynn

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