Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29th - Proverbs 14:3; 15:2

Good Morning!

We are almost done with November and into December!  Schedules are filling up with parties, concerts, shopping and other stuff, but I pray we do not lose sight of the Reason for the Season.  Be sure to take time for God on a daily basis.

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 15:2 ~ No one wants to be a fool, but you might be....How are you known - as a person who uses wise words or one whose words do harm [fool]?

Have your words ever gotten you in trouble?  Mine have!  Have you heard any of these phrases:  "Think before you speak!" - "Put your brain in gear before your mouth!" - "I only open my mouth to change feet!"?
I had the privilege of going to the Chonda Pierce concert a week or so ago and just loved sitting and listening and laughing with her.  She has said several times that "she thinks and then things slip out before they are sanctified".  Does that happen to you?

All of us want to be an encourager and not harm people with our words, but there are times that things "slip out".  We have talked about how our words reflect our heart and if our heart is right, our words will be also.
Take a moment to examine your heart this morning - how are you feeling?  Are you ready to show Jesus to the world today?  Do you have His love ready to share with others?  How about those Scriptures you have been memorizing?  Use those wise words today and encourage and build up!

Ready - set - GO!

Cheri Lynn

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