Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday, December 2nd - Luke 6:45

Happy Sunday!

What a day!  My kids and I were at church by 6:00am and it was a long day, but such a blessing and uplifting day!  We, the choir, had the opportunity to share two of the songs from our upcoming concert; we witnessed a baptism; we participated in an awesome musical worship time (3 times); we heard the numbers from Imagine (over 900 families helped); and we heard a wonderful message!  My heart is overflowing!  My physical body is tired, but my spiritual body is rejoicing and praising my God - my Lord and Savior!  What a way to start the week! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Luke 6:45 ~ The Bible is not hard to understand, read this verse.  Pray for more "good".

"The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.  For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."  Luke 6:45

I think I agree with Lisa in that this is not hard to understand.  We have talked about it before and I will reiterate - our spoken words and actions reflect who we are in our hearts.  I also echo Lisa's words: "Pray for more "good""!

I pray that everyone will have a fantastic week and will remember that He is in control - He is the Reason for the Season - and He is to be praised!

Love and Prayers,
Cheri Lynn

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