Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, February 13th - John 8:31-47

Good Evening!

It has been a good day!  I have all the Valentines done for school and I think we are ready for the big day!  :o)  I absolutely adore my little Valentines!  God has blessed me with such great kids!  I love them so much!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: John 8:31-47 ~ Jesus is talking about listening to His Word (vs. 37).  If you follow it, you will be free from a sinful lifestyle (vv. 32, 36).

"Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."  John 8:32  I love this verse.  Jesus talks about following Him and knowing Him.  He is Truth!  We know the Truth and He will set us free! 
God's Word is true and it speaks to us if we but listen!  Are you listening? 

Have a great evening!

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