Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8th - Romans 10:13-15

Good evening!

Derlani is feeling better and I think we are on the upswing!  :o)  I really don't like it when my kids are sick and I feel so helpless.  All I want to do is sit and hold them tight and rock and sing to them.  That's not always what they want though!  :o(  Anyway, I am glad she is feeling better.

Lisa's tweets: LMRMinistries: The next 2 weeks, we'll look at how God speaks to us through various ways.   LMRMinistries: Romans 10:13-15 ~ Belief in Jesus - PROOF that you can hear from God.  When you "heard" about Jesus, in prayer you called on Him and you are saved.

This is a passage I used when I was raising my support to go to the mission field in Portugal.  I sang a song that is called, "How Beautiful" and it used the phrase of verse 15 - ""How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"

You have beautiful feet too!!  You can bring Good News to those who have not heard.  You can share your testimony with those you see and share that Jesus loves them and He died for them - share the Good News!!!

God speaks through His Word - LISTEN!!!

I read a quote today from Lysa TerKeurst:  "In whatever decision you are trying to make, ask yourself, 'Will this make me more able to be used by God, or less able?'"

Share the Good News and be used by the Almighty God as a missionary!

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