Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday, June 22nd - Genesis 39:1-10

Good Morning!

What a beautiful morning!  I am so excited about GEMS coming this fall.  We met last night and talked and prayed and shared our hearts together and it is exciting to see where God is leading.  GEMS is going places and I hope and pray that you will all be with us! :o)

Lisa's tweet:  LMRMinistries:  Genesis 39:1-10 ~ Potiphar's wife looked for someone to amuse herself with.  What do you do when you're bored?  Free time can easily become sin time.

Potiphar's wife really caused some trouble for Joseph with her orneriness, but God ended up using it all for good for Joseph and it was all in His plan.  Joseph was strong and God was with Him and He did not falter.  We have that same strength, as God is with us too!

Do you get bored?  Do you have a lot of free time?  In today's society, it is all so face paced and there is something to do all the time.  You have to make time to do those things you like to do - read, pray, time with the family, hobbies, church activities, pray, drink a cup of coffee, etc.
Don't get me wrong, as I do have free time, but I choose to fill it with things listed above.  There are many times that I just sit in my favorite chair at the window and watch the world go by...a rabbit and a bird playing together, listening to a woodpecker, or watching a squirrel run across the deck.
Guard your time!  Know that God is with you and He will guide you through each minute if you will allow Him to do so.  Spend time with Him daily and you will enjoy your free time!

Have a great day!

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