Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday, June 21st - Genesis 17:19

Good Morning!

What a beautiful day this is starting off to be - the sunrise was amazing - there is a gentle breeze - and the birds are singing their morning songs!  It's beautiful!

Lisa's tweets: LMRMinistries:  Genesis 17:19 ~ God knew Abraham and Sarah would laugh at His promise because He told them to name their son Isaac - which means "he laughs".  #that's grace
LMRMinistries: Life lesson from Sarah:  God is gracious even when we doubt and question.  He can still use us to do great things for His Kingdom.

God is good all the time - All the time God is good!  I love that quote.  It reminds me that HE is good and trustworthy and with me every step of the way - even when I doubt or fall!  He has my best interest in mind at all times and leads me through the dreary days and brings sonshine to those days and shows me how to be thankful and praise Him for the struggle or trial.  He rewards me through blessings and I praise His Great Name with all that I am!

Sarah doubted that she was ever going to have a child and so she asked her husband, Abraham, to go to her servant, Hagar.  And yes, Abraham had a son with Hagar and Sarah became bitter.  But God was gracious and Sarah did conceive and give birth to a son and God's Plan continued.

I wish some times that we could see His plan for our lives written on a wall and not have to wonder, but then I think to myself:  "Cheri Lynn, He has written His plan for your life in His Book and as you read and study and listen and communicate with Him, it will become clear!"  Duh! 

Will you trust Him today?  Know that He is with you every step of the way!

Have a great day!

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