Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Saturday, June 2nd - Friday, June 8th

Saturday, June 2nd
LMRMinistries:  2 Samuel 11:1-4 ~ David should have been off at war.  He shrugged his responsibility off on someone else which left him open to sin with Bathsheba.
LMRMinistries:  Are you taking your responsibilities seriously?  Bathsheba was so into her looks it led her into sin.  God cares about a pure inner self.  Do you?

Sunday, June 3rd
LMRMinistries:  2 Samuel 11:5-13 ~ David tried to cover up his and Bathsheba's sin.  To her credit, she did not participate.  Come clean when you sin or you fall deeper

Monday, June 4th
LMRMinistries:  2 Samuel 11:14-27 ~ We can fool ourselves and think that we've done enough "cover up" that we got away with something.  Verse 27:  You can't fool God.

Tuesday, June 5th
LMRMinistries:  2 Samuel 12:1a ~ Look back at Chapter 11 and underline every place you see "sent".  David "sent" to commit sin.  God "sent" Nathan to confront sin.

Wednesday, June 6th
LMRMinistries:  2 Samuel 12:1-23 ~ Even though God forgives, He will not remove consequences.  How different this story would be if Bathsheba had chosen to be pure

Thursday, June 7th
LMRMinistries:  2 Samuel 12:24-25 ~ Jedidiah means loved by the Lord.  God is a Redeemer and Restorer.  Even when we sin, He does not count our lives as over - Repent!

Friday, June 8th
LMRMinistries:  Judges 4:1-4 ~ Meet Deborah - one of my favorite Bible women!  In a male-dominated culture, God chose her to lead Israel.  Where does God need you to lead?

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