Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, June 25th - Genesis 38:1-11

Good Morning!

The start of our work week - Monday! (at least for the majority)  How do you feel?  I would love to stay home and just enjoy the day, but I enjoy work too.  My son is excited because he gets to start FCA (Fellowship of Christian Atheletes) tomorrow and he will play basketball everyday for a week!  I love seeing the excitement in my kids and their enthusiasm to share their faith.  I am so blessed!

Lisa's tweets:  LMRMinistries: ~ Genesis 38:  Meet Tamar.  Before reading her story, read Deuteronomy 25:5-10 to understand the part in the Law that sets up everything that happens to her.
LMRMinistries:  Genesis 38:1-11 ~ In the days when widows were completely helpless, Tamar needed her in-laws to protect her.  Have you ever been let down by family?

The law was clear and Tamar was still left childless.  Her brother-in-law Onan was selfish and that cost him his life.  Tamar went to live in her father's house while waiting for the other brother-in-law to grow up, but that would not carry out the law.  Tamar was in a tough situation and was treated badly by family.

I don't know how others feel, but when things happen within my family that are not the best, it seems to hurt worse.  I have had friends that have hurt me, but when it is family - the hurt seems to go much deeper. I don't know what I would do without my close friends and other family to get through "life".  God always provides just the right person to pray with me or talk over a cup of coffee or just sit with me.  He sees and understands!
Did Tamar have someone to talk to or share her grief with at that time?  Was she afraid to discuss with her own father and mother?  I am sure she felt hurt!

People - Friends and family will let us down, but God will NEVER let us down.  Look to Him for your strength and lean on Him and those that He gives you to physically see and talk to and share "life".

Have a wonderful day!

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