Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday, June 17th - Numbers 12

Good Morning!

I am back and apologize for the time I didn't post much on the blog.  It has been a rough three weeks, but God is good and has comforted me and taught me and held me!  I am so very thankful for my sisters that have prayed for me and the kids and helped us through some difficult times.  There is more on the horizon, but I know that I will not be defeated and that I am victorious in Christ!  He is with me every step of the way!  Hallelujah!  I will sing His praises all the days of my life!

Lisa's tweet:  LMRMinistries:  Numbers 12 ~ Miriam's life shows us what happens when we get jealous of others in leadership and focus on ourselves.  God removes blessings.

Jealousy is a horrible thing.  God does not tolerate it as we are witness to Miriam's leprosy.  We should guard our hearts and not become jealous.  It is hard at times, but if we ask, God is good to lead and guide and provide answers and help in our times of need.

Do not take your eyes off of the prize - off the Lord Jesus - who has gone ahead to prepare a place for us in Heaven - eternity!

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