Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 18th - Genesis 11:29; 17:15-16

Good Morning!

Another work week begins!  Are you ready?  I am!  Let us go forth and SHINE!!

Lisa's tweet:  LMRMinistries:  Sarah ~ Originally named Sarai - Genesis 11:29.  God changed her name - to mean "Princess" - when He promised she'd be the mother of nations - Genesis 17:15-16

Sarah was in her 90's when God changed her name and told her she would be the mother of nations.  Can you imagine?  I have never gone through labor with a child, but I hear it is quite painful.  Sarah was 90!!  Abraham was 100!! 
God evidently gave them all the energy they needed to keep up with the son He gave them. 
Therefore, I know that HE will provide all the strength and energy I need on a daily basis to raise my children in His ways.

God is good all the time - All the time God is good!

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