Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, October 31st - Proverbs 20:5, 9

Good evening!

It was a little chilly tonight, but my littlest had fun.  She was dressed as a princess and even wore heels!  She was so polite at every house and always said thank you!  How about y'all?  Good evening?

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 20:5,9 ~ On a 'holiday' that centers around a lot of dark things, both verses remind us that we are to be pure.  Let your light shine/Matthew 5:16

I mentioned a little about my outing with my kids tonight, but I found it very interesting that there were a lot of families going together.   It was fun to see the different costumes and how cute some of them were.  Yes, there were the darker side characters, but for the most part everyone was pretty well dressed and very polite.
As Lisa said, both of these verses call us to purity.  This is talking about purity of the heart, but also the mind and the mouth.  We need to seek purity and not falter.  How are you doing on that front?  It isn't always easy, but HE will lead and guide!  Just ask!

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven."  Matthew 5:16
Awesome verse and maybe one that we should all memorize. 

Let your light shine wherever you might be!  Do others see Christ in you, the Hope of glory?  I pray that they do!

Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday, October 28th - Proverbs 13:18

Good Evening!

"To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy ---to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."  Jude 24,25

What an awesome service we had at Eastview this morning and the above verses have stayed with me all day long!  I stand amazed and fall before Him as I think about His glory, His majesty, His power, and His authority!  He is an awesome God!
As I sat and watched the weather channel before going to church this morning and since coming home from church, I have been praying for those that will be affected by Hurricane Sandy.  Mike talked this morning about the power in the storms and hurricanes being just a small rain shower in God's eyes.  Think about it - what power and authority God has and yet reaches down and loves us for who we are.  We serve a great God! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 13:18 ~ You can't get away with doing things wrong; discipline always comes.  If you learn thru the correction, your life prospers.

As I have said before, we don't always like discipline, but it does cause us to change and to grow.  In the case of our spiritual lives, God does watch and He does discipline us.  It hurts, but He does it for our own good. 
If you learn from your mistakes, you will prosper or be honored.  Which would you rather have - poverty and shame or honor and prosperity? 

I will continue to walk the ancient paths and strive to be more like Him.  I know I will fall at times, but I also know HE will be there to pick me up and set me on the path of His Will once more.  I choose to WALK His Path!

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday, October 27th - Proverbs 12:1,15

Good Evening!

It has been an interesting day!  How about you?  The highlight of the day was going out to the apartments by Home Sweet Home Mission and handing out candy, coffee and juice to the kids and adults there!  To see the smiles on their faces was priceless.  We shared the love of Jesus with them and sang and played and had a great afternoon!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 12:1,15 ~ Do you hate living with consequences from bad decisions?  Wise up.  Before you do something, ask for Godly input...then follow it!

I can't say that I have always loved discipline, but I have learned to accept it and move forward trying harder to obey and do what is right and correct.  I do think I am learning from my mistakes much more quickly now than I did when I was younger. 
I think I am gaining more knowledge each and every day and I know when and why the Lord "spanks" me!  Yes, it is not always pleasant, but needed if I am going to continue to grow in Him!  I want to be more like Jesus!

I do not know what I would do without my Christian friends and family to help me along each and every day.  I seek their advice and heed it too!  Sometimes it is not easy, but I always ask for God's input and blessing and things seem to go fairly smooth. 

How about you?  Do you seek God's input before you make a big decision?  What about the smaller ones?  HE is interested in them all!

Have a great evening!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, October 26th - 1 Timothy 2:1-6

Hey!  It's Friday!!  It has been a rather stressful week, but HE has gotten me through each day!  I do not know what I would do without my Lord and Savior - Jesus! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistires: 1 Timothy 2:1-6 ~ Truth is not relative; truth is created by God in His Word.  The only reason you may not like that is if you can't handle the truth.

I love verse one of this passage:  "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone --"  1 Timothy 2:1
I love to pray!  It is such a rewarding time with my Lord and my God!  My prayer list gets longer each day, but it is a privilege to prayer for family, friends and unbelievers. 

Verses three and four are important too, in that it says God wants all to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.  Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  (John 14:6)
Knowledge of the truth is a knowledge of Jesus Christ!  If we know HIM, we know Truth!

How are you doing in knowing the Truth?  Are you in His Word each day?  Are you praying on a regular basis?  Are you sharing in fellowship with others - the Church?


Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, October 15th - Proverbs 21:9,19 and Galatians 5:22-23

Good Evening!

Wow, I think this is becoming a habit!  I am sorry, but I had a sick boy this morning and then my folks came in this afternoon and we have talked non-stop!  It has been a great evening visiting with Mom and Dad and just catching up.  They were here two weeks ago for a very short visit (my birthday) and so we have had a lot to talk about.  Thanks for understanding my delay in posting the blog!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 21:19 ~ Whether you're married or not, your words can make the people nearest to you either want to be close...or they can drive them far away.

So which are you?  Do your words turn people away and not want to be around you, or do they encourage and ease stress and everyone wants to be around you?  I want to be the latter!!  I want the words that come from my mouth to always be encouraging, loving, and joyful!  How about you?  What will you choose?

How can this happen?  Read Galatians 5:22-23:  "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Against such things there is no law."
We each have all this fruit because Jesus is our Savior and Lord!  We have the Holy Spirit living inside of us.  We may have different measures of each of these, but we have them.
We have to use them to win the battle. 

Are you ready?  Arm yourself with the Sword, the Word of God and your shield of truth! 
Let's hit it!

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday, October 14th - James 3:3-10

Good Evening!

What a great Lord's day we have enjoyed.  It has been a very long day, but filled with praise and worship and doing God's work!  Thank you Lord for all that was accomplished today for Your glory.  Awesome!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: James 3:3-10 ~ If your mouth ever confessed that Jesus is Lord, then that same mouth should only be used to speak Godly words.  Ask God to help you.

Do any of you remember the old camp song - "Pass It On"?  It started out:  "It only takes a spark, to get a fire going...."  I was reminded of this song when I read this passage today.  It talks about turning a horse with a small bit in it's mouth; turning a huge ship with a very small rudder; and then the great forest that can be set a blaze with a small spark.  Yes, the tongue is a small part of the body, but can do great things, either for evil or for good.

In verse 9 it reads:  "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness."  Our tongue can do good and be used in the service of the King!  It is our choice!  As Lisa said, ask God for help and He will not let you down! 

It only takes a spark, to get a fire going;
And soon all those around, can warm up to its glowing;
That's how it is with God's love, once you've experienced it;
You spread His love to everyone, you want to Pass It On!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCjR4dlY33k  Take a listen!

We can use our tongues to create that spark in others, for the good of the Kingdom.  We spread His love to everyone - we want to Pass It On!!!! 

Your choice - for good or for evil - what is your choice?

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday, October 13th - Proverbs 15:4,16-17,23,27

Good Morning!

A warmer, but rainy day?  It is very nice outside right now, but I am sure the rain is coming.  Either way, this is the day the Lord has made and we will give Him the glory and serve Him with all that we are!  Right?

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 15:4 ~ Even if your circumstances aren't great, you need to speak words that breathe life into people.  Do you want to bring life or crush it?

"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." (4)

Have you ever really thought about the tongue?  Sometimes, I think it gets criticized and looked down upon incorrectly.  The tongue by itself is a vital part of our body.  Without it, we would not be able to taste all that God created for us to eat.  Without it, we would have a very difficult time whistling.  And to the main reason it gets a bad rap at times, is that without it we could not speak or sing!
The tongue is like an instrument - it can be used for good or bad.  It is actually what is in our heart that comes out of our mouths (by our tongues). 
Have you ever had a bad day and everything was going wrong and a friend came up and said, "You know, I really appreciate you and the way you roll with the punches and continue to remain positive."?  How does that make you feel?  This friend has used their tongue to encourage and compliment and "bring life".  Now what if the comment was: "You have really screwed things up today and I think you should just go home and come back when you can do a better job."?  Feel the same way?  Not at all and probably even worse than you felt before the comment.  This person has used their tongue to tear down and crush your spirit.

When I am having an "off" day, I find that I turn on the radio and listen to praise music.  Music to me has always been a healing factor and as I lift my voice in praise, all the worries and bad thoughts seem to disappear.  Using my tongue to praise my God and Savior brings me great joy and "life".  I can feel His love deep within my heart and soul and know that HE cares and HE has everything in control.

I want to be one that brings life and not crush it!  It is tough at times and I struggle, but I know that God is continuing His Work in me and I will lean on Him and depend on His strength and not my own.  I will consider it pure joy whenever I face trials of many kinds, because I know that the testing of my faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that I may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  Blessed is the man  (am I) who perseveres under trial, because when he has (I have) stood the test, he (I) will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those (me, because I love Him) who love Him.  (James 1:2-3,12 - my paraphrase)

Let's go and bring life with the beautiful instrument that God has given!  Be a blessing to someone today!

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, October 12th - Proverbs 14:1,26

Good Morning!

It's Friday!  How's your weekend looking?  Mine is going to be busy and then my folks will be here on Monday!  Don't forget your quiet times with the Lord!  They keep you on the right path!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 14:1 ~ You have a choice:  Will the words you choose to say build people up or tear people down?  In prayer, ask God to help you be a builder

"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.  He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge."  Proverbs 14:1 and 26

We know that this verse is not talking about a woman actually building her physical house, but in a figurative manner.  The wise woman builds her house on a strong foundation - Jesus.  She builds with words and actions and most of all love.  In Ephesians we read that Jesus is the cornerstone - the beginning of the foundation.  With Him, our homes will stand firm! 
Words are so very strong and as we have said, can build up or tear down.  Actions are also very important and sometimes speak louder than our words.  If we are walking with Jesus and have Him as our foundation, our house will be strong and it will be a home that our children will come to as their refuge.

Stand firm and choose to be a builder!  It is not always easy and we may get a few splinters and cuts and scrapes along the way, but the end result is out of this world - eternity!  Let's do this together!

Have a Fantastic Friday!
Cheri Lynn

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday, October 11th - Proverbs 12:18,25 and James 1:26

Good evening!

I just got home from Bible Study with my WALK Small Group and it was a good night, even though we were missing some dear sisters.  I am really enjoying this study and feel like I am growing and seeing things as God wants me to see them instead of with my own eyes.  Passages that I have read numerous times have a different impact than they ever did before!  It has been very refreshing!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 12:18 ~ Negative words can cut through the heart like a sword.  With God's help, your positive words can actually help a person heal  #bewise

"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."  Proverbs 12:18
Have you ever been hurt by what someone said?  I have and I can still remember how it felt.  It hurt clear down to bone, or so I thought.  You know I have always heard it said and have even said myself - "Kid's words can be so cruel and hurtful!"  What about ours - as adults?  I think we can be just as cruel, if not more so!
I like the second part of this verse in that the tongue of the wise can bring healing.  Isn't that what we are supposed to do as Christian brothers and sisters?  Encourage your brother or sister or co-worker with words that are uplifting and edifying.  Don't put them down, but build them up.  Use Scripture - use the memory verses you are learning - pray with them...

How are you doing on your memory verses?  I hope it is coming along!  If you need some help, let us know.

Have a good evening!
God Bless!

Cheri Lynn

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, October 10th - Proverbs 11:20 and Galatians 6:9,10

Good evening!

I apologize for being late, but the day just got away from me.  I have tried to get to the computer several times today, but just got that accomplished. 
Were you at GEMS last evening?  What a message we heard and what a great time of fellowship!  It was awesome!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistires: Galatians 6:9-10 ~ It's hard to keep doing right when others don't appreciate it.  If you quit, everyone loses.  God appreciates it ~ press on (Philippians 3:12)

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."  Philippians 6:9-10

God has given us our talents and gifts and we need to use them for His glory and not our own.  Everyone loves a note of thanks or a pat on the back once in a while, but that doesn't always happen.  Especially in today's world.  Be the exception and not the rule!  Yes God does appreciate our efforts, but we can encourage others in their works of service and they in turn will encourage us.  Let's do this together! 

As the verse says, let's don't get tired of doing good, but press on!  We might not see the fruit of our labors, but we will know one day!  Don't give up!  Let's do good for all people and show God's love.

What better way to show His love than to help with Imagine this year!  Check your calendars and see if you can help!

Have a great night!
Love y'all!

Cheri Lynn

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9th - Acts 10:35

Good Morning!

I can't wait to see all of you tonight!  It is going to be a great evening!  Come and share a meal with us and then feed on the Word!  It will be awesome!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Acts 10:35 ~ It doesn't matter what you've done, God accepts you ~ When you know about God, He expects you to do what's right   #doingright=blessing

God accepts us just as we are - dirty with sin and not worthy.  After we accept Him, He expects us to live for Him.  How are you doing with that? 

There are times when I fall, but He is always there to pick me up, brush me off and encourage me to do better!  I am so glad He isn't finished with me yet!  I love to serve my Master and my God!

See you tonight!
Cheri Lynn

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 8th - Proverbs 14:26-27 and Psalm 34:9,15

Good Evening!

Happy Columbus Day!  It has been an interesting day for me and I am ready to just rest, but....  I am very blessed tonight and thank God for all His blessings!  God is good all the time....and....All the time God is good!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 14:26 ~ Being in awe of God = protection for you and your kids.  Even when your kids don't want God, keep praying God's protection over them.

"He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.  The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death."  14:26-27

Look at Psalm 46:1 - "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble."  Does that sound familiar?  God is with us and He is for us!  As His children, He wants to protect us from all evil, just as we do our own children.  As we raise our children, they are in the fortress - our home and we pray for their safety and their protection from day to day.  Then one day, they go out on their own, but they know that they can always come home and be safe and take refuge in the familiar - home! 
We have the hope of eternal life if we have Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior!  We may die an earthly death, but our eternal life is out of this world and in the presence of God, Whom we will praise and worship 24x7.  Hallelujah!  Maranatha!!  Come Lord Jesus, come!

In Psalms we read that those who fear the Lord lack nothing and He is attentive to their cries.  He cares about us and He loves us!  He longs to have a relationship with each one of His children.  How is your walk with Him?  Had any stumbles lately?  I have, but it is so encouraging to know that He is there to help me up and brush me off and send me on my way in His strength and perseverance.

Take a minute to thank Him for His grace and for His strength!  He cares for you!  He loves you!  Let Him know how much you love Him too!

Have a great evening!
Love and prayers,

Cheri Lynn

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday, October 7th - Psalm 25:14 and Psalm 34:7

Good Morning!

Oh what a beautiful morning; Oh what a beautiful day; I'm really trying to do life, walking with God in His ways!  I am super excited that I am a work in progress and He isn't finished with me yet!  We're doing this life together and I continue to strive for the prize - leaning on Him every step of the way!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 34:7 ~ Ever feel scared?  If you don't fear God, you'll fear something/one.  When God LEADS your life, He protects you.  #fearoftheLordProtection

"The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them."  Psalm 25:14  "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them."  Psalm 34:7

God trusts those who fear Him with His plan and covenant.  We are to share His message with all we meet.  As He confides in us, we confide in Him and serve with all we are!  He in turn protects us.

Read all of Psalm 34.  This is one of my favorites and I claim the promises for my own.  Verse one is my battle cry each and every morning - I want to praise my God at all times!  I hope those around me see the joy I have and will join in the praise of the Most High God! 
Verse 4 is powerful - "I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears."  As we seek His Face - He sees, hears and answers us!  Verse five is a result of four - our faces should show our trust and relationship with Him. 
He protects us and delivers us as is noted in verse seven. We take refuge in Him, we lack nothing and are His!  We are His and He loves us and wants the very best for us!

Will you let God lead?  Walk with Him and know that He protects you and loves you!  Run to the prize - eternal life!

Have a great day!
Cheri Lynn

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday, October 6th - Psalm 103:13 and Luke 1:50

Good Afternoon!

What a gorgeous day!  It is cool, but the sun in shining and it is absolutely perfect weather!  Good time for wiener roasts and hot apple cider, etc.  Fall is here and summer is gone!  Rejoice in today and know that we serve a living and awesome God!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 103:13 ~ A good parent understands his/her kids.  God understands you and has compassion...but He demands respect.  #Don'tTakeGodForGranted

Do you remember when your children were babies and you had left them in the nursery and when you came to pick him/her up, you heard crying and knew it was your child?  Yes, we know and understand our kids, but God knows and understands each one of us on a much deeper level.  He created us!  He knows how many hairs are on our heads.  He knew us before we were born.  He has compassion on us, but we need to honor and respect Him.
Read on in Psalm 103, verses 17 and 18 - "...from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear Him...."  From eternity to eternity - God loves those that fear Him!  That is amazing to me!  It also says that we need to live according to His ways and not our own.  Can we do that?  Absolutely, as He has sent the Holy Spirit to help us.

Model His ways for your children and let them know of His love for them and for their children too!  God is LOVE!

Have a great rest of the day!
Cheri Lynn

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, October 5th - Proverbs 18:7; 20:3 and 31:30

Good Evening!

I apologize for being later today, but I had a very busy day and just got home from a party where we celebrated Christmas in October.  It was a lot of fun and great fellowship.  Now onto our thoughts for this first Friday of October!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 18:7 ~ What comes out of your mouth is a mirror of what's in your heart.  If you are prayed up, your words will not make you sound foolish.

How true!  I wish that my words were always good, encouraging and uplifting as I speak, but unfortunately, they are not.  There are times that I fail and look foolish.  However, I continue to try and to be more like Jesus each and every day.

Have you happened to notice the similarities with many of the verses in Proverbs to the verses in the book of James?  I heard something this week that James is considered to be the Proverbs of the New Testament.
Read chapter 3 of James and note the similarities to these verses in Proverbs.  God's Word is definitely a guiding light as we walk in His steps and live our lives for His glory!

Hope you have had a great day and will enjoy the weekend!

Cheri Lynn

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4th - Proverbs 14:18 and 15:31

Good evening!

Wow!  I had a great time tonight helping with the pre-registration for Imagine!  It was an awesome time!  Tonight was the last night and I think it went well.  I was refueled and ready to go by the time the end of the evening came.  What a privilege to serve in that capacity.  It was amazing!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 15:31 ~ "Life-giving rebuke".  When someone tells you what you don't want to hear, maybe they're trying to save your life.  Wise people listen.

"He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise."  Proverbs 15:31
We sometimes call this "life-giving rebuke" or refer to it as "Constructive criticism".  It is sometimes very hard to listen to, but we all need it from time to time.  
God cares about each one of us and even knows the number of hairs you have on your head.  Not just ours, but the whole world!  Can you imagine?  No we can't because we have an finite mind that cannot understand the infinite.

We need to do a lot more thinking before we speak and not just blurt it out.  It is important and who may be watching?  Sometime it is little ones and sometimes it is someone that just sees Jesus in you and wants that!  PTL!  

Keep your eyes open and be ready to receive the criticism given by friends and fellow Christians.  It is for your good and He will not let it happen all the time!  He will always give you strength to overcome.

Go have a great weekend.
Love y'all!

Cheri Lynn

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3rd - Proverbs 10:23 and 13:10

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 10:23 ~ How to know if you're a fool - Do you think Godly living is boring?  If yes, you're a fool.  Amazing adventure awaits those who go with God.

I don't know how many times I have heard my kids say, "I'm bored!"  I was never allowed to say that when I was growing up.  Of course, we spent a lot of time outside making up games to play, and using our imaginations.  Today the kids have all the electronics you can think of and still get bored. 

I always love to go to visit my folks because I get to go and sit on the dock and just pray and study and be in His beautiful and awesome creation.  I never get bored and see something new each and every time.  It is just like reading His Word.  I can have read a passage fifteen times and it is new each time as the Lord brings something new to mind or a certain word jumps off the page or a new thought about the verse.  It is awesome!

This life is never boring, but it is an adventure!  Buckle your seat belts as it might be a bumpy ride and scary at times, but totally worth the final prize - eternal life with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!  Wow!  Run for the prize!  Ready - set and go!

Have a great day!
Praying for each of you!

Cheri Lynn

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, October 2nd - Proverbs 23:17 and 28:14

Good evening!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 28:14 ~ When your heart is hard, it's almost like you look for trouble.  When your heart is hard, being softened is a prayer away. Soft = blessed

I have shared with many over the past few weeks that there have been some tough times this summer.  I found myself many times trying to handle things in my own way and forgot to ask God's help or opinion.  Why do I do that?  I know He is there to help and to guide, but I still have the urge to do it myself.
I have also often said that I don't know how those without Jesus in their lives ever make it!  It is our responsibility to share the Good News and to love them right where they are, just as God does.  Can you do that?

Let's go and give it a try!  Go and let Jesus shine through you and see if you get some questions and have some great "God" talks!

It isn't hard - just share your testimony.  We are always here to help as well! 


Cheri Lynn

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, October 1st - Proverbs 15:33 and 22:4

Happy Monday Morning!

The start of a new month - the start of a new work week for many -  and the start of a new day!  We have been blessed with yet another opportunity to live for Jesus and show His unconditional love to those we encounter today!  Are you ready to live fearlessly, dangerously and ridiculously today?  Ready - set - GO!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Proverbs 22:4 ~ God's blessings come to those who keep in mind that God is the one Who gives them.  Don't think it's because you're great ~ it's because He is!

"Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life." 22:4  Verse 33 of chapter 15 says that the fear of the Lord teaches wisdom and that humility comes before honor.  Being humble does not mean being a doormat, but that you fear the Lord and you do His work!  You do not boast, but know that you accomplish things through His strength.

Have you ever heard the song by Casting Crowns - "Who Am I"? That song describes Lisa's tweet perfectly.   I did post this on the GEMS page and on my Facebook page.  Take a listen!

Have a great day!