Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 10th - Psalm 69:13-18

Good afternoon!

Sorry I am a little later today, but  last night was amazing and exhausting and a first for me.  We have practiced all week, with many late nights, for the concert last night and it was all worth every minute.  It was such a pleasure and honor to praise the Lord and share our gifts with so many.  The church was full and we all worshipped together in praise! 
Yes, I am exhausted, but a good tired!  I didn't sleep real well last night as I was missing one of my children.  My daughter went to her first sleep over!  She had a wonderful time and Mommy missed her terribly!  I am sure there will be many more rough nights for Mommy and exciting nights for daughter!  :o)

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 69:13-18: The guy writing this is in distress - but He knows God so well...he knows he can call on Him.  What's your first response to fear?

Do you know that you can call on God anytime -  day or night?  He is always there!  He will never leave you nor forsake you.  He has the answers to all your questions.  He is our Father and He provides and cares for us!  Whether in times of joy, times of sadness, or times of distress - we can call on Him and He will answer!

To answer Lisa's question - I call on my Heavenly Father, my Lord and Savior!

Have a great afternoon and evening!

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