Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday, December 11th - Psalm 145:1-7

Good Morning!

Last night was awesome as we gave our last Christmas praise offering through our Christmas concert.  The church was full yet again and we all enjoyed praising our Father for His great gift so many years ago.  Jesus came as a baby and grew and walked among us and then gave His life for us, only to rise and return to the Father and wait for the day when He will come back and take us HOME.  I praise His Name for as long as I have breath to do so!  I am so happy to be a child of the King!

It is a second service morning for us as we went out after the concert and didn't get home until very late.  We had a great time with friends though and it was very relaxing and refreshing.  We were already on a high and it just continued!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 145:1-7: Relationships require that we build the other person up and look for ways to be loving.  Today, extol (build up) God through praise!

I love to praise the Lord through song, through my guitar playing, through reading His Word... I just love to praise!  These last two nights were awesome in that all of our practice and rehearsals came together to give Him praise!  We were able to share that with thousands of people and help lead them in praise as well! 

These first seven verses of Psalm 145 are full of praise.  They describe our God!  "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise!" 

Praise Him today and thank Him for all His good deeds.

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