Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday, January 29th - 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

Good Evening!

What an amazing day!  I am so very proud of my church family tonight and overwhelmed by God's goodness!  Pastor Shadrach and his wife Violet were in church this morning and the GO Night this evening.  He is from Kenya and working in the Mitumba slum in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa.  This is the place, that on November 19th, that someone ordered the bull dozers to go in and level the whole slum - 30,000+ people.  Pastor Shadrach has been working there and they took down the houses, the school, the orphanage (35 children) and the church. 
Eastview had partnered with Pastor Shadrach, GOYA and REM in July and then this happened.  Yesterday, Mike Baker said we were going to take a special offering to help rebuild the Mitumba Community and said our goal was $40,000.  Well, last night at the mission night, Tyler Hari announced that we didn't meet the $40,000, but had given $196,000!!!
Needless to say, everyone was crying and overjoyed at God's people and the blessing and outpouring of His love through this offering.  God is good!  His plans are perfect!  Praises to our awesome God!  I love my God; I love His Church; and I love my church family at ECC!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 ~ You can do what you want with your body, but if Jesus is your Savior - show the world He is your Lord!  Honor Him by your choices.

We are called to be holy and to take care of our bodies and to live a holy life.  WE make the choice!  God has given us everything and even a helper in the Holy Spirit.  We can make the choice to honor Him with our bodies and with everything that we are!  Pray before you make decisions and choices.  Let Him lead you in every decision you make.  Honor Him by those choices. 

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