Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday, August 10th - Judges 16

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Judges 16 ~ Delilah valued money more than relationships and being trustworthy.  Why do people love you?  If they put their trust in you, are they safe?

Delilah was definitely a deceiver.  Do you think she ever loved Samson?  I don't!  She was interested in the money.  She had tried several times, three, and he had not told her the truth either time.  I would have thought that Samson would have caught on to her game when she cried the same thing every time - "Samson, the Philistines are upon you!", but he grew tired of her nagging and told her the truth.  He was captured and blinded and sent to prison.  Delilah received the money and all were happy - except Samson.
I don't know just how much time passed, but Samson's hair grew back and he asked to be put next to the pillars of the temple.  He knew what he was going to do from the time he had left the prison.
He called upon God to give him strength and power one last time and he would die with the Philistines.  God answered his prayer and he killed more in his death than he had in his lifetime.  (verse 30)  The last part of verse 31 says that Samson led Israel for twenty years.  He had served God well.

The two questions Lisa asks in this morning's tweet are important.  Why do people love you or want to have a friendship/relationship with you?  Are you trustworthy?  Do you have their back, are you looked at as a person with integrity and good character?  Take a minute or some time to reflect on yourself - how do people see you?  Are you true to God and live for Him each and every day?  Yes we all fall, but we can still be a person of integrity and good character.

Have a great day!

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