Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday, August 18th - John 11:1-16

Good Evening!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries:  John 11:1-16 ~ In desperation, Martha called out, and she expected Jesus to answer immediately.  Jesus knew His best answer was a delayed answer.

Jesus had spent time with Martha, Mary and Lazarus.  Martha sent word to Jesus telling Him of Lazarus' sickness because she knew the Savior would know what to do and would want to see him.  It says in verse 5 that Jesus loved them.  Do you think it was hard for Jesus to stay away, even though He knew what would happen?
The disciples are trying to protect Jesus and don't want Him to go back to Judea.  They don't understand until Jesus tells them that Lazarus is dead and not just asleep.  Jesus knew what He had to do and that God would be glorified in this situation, but Jesus had to wait.  They headed back to Judea.  In the last verse of this passage - verse 16 - Thomas  makes a bold statement:  "Let us also go, that we might die with Him."  The disciples knew that those in Judea had tried to stone Jesus, but Thomas says, "Let's go with Him."  He was ready to die for His Lord.

How strong is your relationship with Jesus?  Would you die for Him?

Have a great evening!

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