Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday, August 11th - Hosea 1

Good Morning!

What a beautiful morning!  We are suppose to have a perfect weekend with temps in the 80's both today and tomorrow.  Yesterday was a beautiful day too!  I was privileged to spend the last two days with leaders from around the world attending the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit!  It was inspiring, worshipful, thought provoking and just simply awesome.  God was truly in our midst.  To Him be the honor and glory!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Hosea 1 ~ How could God ask His prophet Hosea to take unfaithful Gomer as his wife?  This parallels God's unending love when we are unfaithful.

Hosea was God's man and he obeyed God even when he maybe didn't understand.  He married Gomer who was an adulterous woman and had children already.  Gomer gave birth to three children with Hosea:  Jezreel was the first son; Lo-Ruhamah was the second - a daughter; and the third was a son - Lo-Ammi.
God's plan was revealed with each child: Jezreel - God would punish the house of Jehu for the massacre at Jezreel and put an end to the kingdom of Israel; with Lo-Ruhamah, God would no longer show love to the house of Israel. but show love to the house of Judah; and finally, Lo-Ammi when God said Israel was not His people and He was not their God.

This was a dark and difficult time for Israel, but she would be punished and restored - all in His great Plan.

God's love for us is unending and unfailing!  No matter what we do, He loves us and asks us to come to Him.  God hates the sin and loves the sinner.  He accepts us with our deepest, darkest secrets and He forgives and washes us white as snow!  God restores, transforms, and makes new our lives!  All glory and praise be unto God - our Father, our Redeemer!  God is good!

Have a great day!

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