Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday, August 25th - Romans 16:3-5

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Romans 16:3-5 ~ Priscilla used her house for God's work.  How do you use your house - your car - your possessions in service to God?

Paul was a great mentor and coach and had trained Priscilla and Aquila well.  He stayed in touch with them and loved them.  They had risked their lives for Paul and he recognized that and their dedication to God's work.
Priscilla had a church meeting at her house.  I am sure that there was always a meeting of some sort going on in her home - Bible Study, women's group, and church.  Her home was God's house in that she used it for Him at all times.

Back to Lisa's questions: How do you use your house - your car - your possessions in service to God?  I love to have Bible Study and meetings at my house and to entertain and have people over and share "Christian life" with them.  I try and do that with all that I have and possess.  I have a friend that uses her vehicle in God's service at all times.
There are so many ways we can use what God has blessed us with for Him.  How will you use what you have for Him?

The GEMS Leadership is on a retreat preparing for the new season of GEMS which starts September 11th.  Please pray for them today and that the Lord will continue to speak and lead as we prepare to minister through GEMS.

Happy Saturday!

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