Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28th - Mark 16:9-11/John 20:1-16

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Mark 16:9-11/John 20:1-16 ~ The risen Lord appeared to Mary Magdalene!  I love how God chooses to bless people no matter what their past.

I mentioned yesterday that Mary Magdalene was committed to Jesus Christ and was grateful for all He had done for her.  She showed her gratitude by serving Him and she was the first to see the risen Lord!  Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene first!  Wow!  The others didn't believe her when she told them.

In John we get a little more of the story.  Mary had gone early to the tomb and saw the rock rolled away.  She thought the body of Jesus had been stolen or taken.  She went and told Peter and the others and they went running to the tomb too.  They saw and they believed, and went on their way back to the house.  Mary Magdalene stayed and mourned the loss of her Lord.  However, the angels told her not to cry and then the Master, the Lord Jesus asked her why she was crying for He was there.  Mary probably wanted to hug Him, but she had to wait as He hadn't gone to the Father yet.
Mary had had seven demons and yet God chose her to see Jesus first!  Wow!  She knew it was Him and she worshipped Him even then.  Mary was sold out to Christ and to God and served Him all the rest of her days.

What are you sold out to in this day and age?  Would you give everything up and serve the Lord God in another country or area?  Would you serve Him with all that you have?  What will be your answer?

Love and prayers,

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