Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27th - Luke 8:1-3

Good Morning!

Today is my daughter's 5th "Gotcha Day" or Adoption Birthday!  We will have a celebration tonight and it will be a great time.  My kids both celebrate two birthdays and we love it that way!  They are each just about six months from their actual birthdays.  It's awesome!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Luke 8:1-3 ~ Jesus freed Mary Magdalene of 7 demons.  Out of her gratitude, she committed her life to serving Him.  What has Christ brought you through?

Mary Magdalene is mentioned several times in the New Testament and continually showed her gratitude to Jesus for freeing her from the seven demons.  As it says in this passage she showed her gratitude by ministering to Jesus and helped support Him out of her own means.  She is at the cross and again at the grave. 

Back to Lisa's question:  What has Christ brought you through?  Has He brought you out of drugs, adultery, a promiscuous life, financial problems or just brought you out of the darkness?  How do you show your gratitude?  Are you living for Him daily?  Do you spend more time with Jesus on a daily basis?  Do you allow Him to take the controls?  Do you share His Good News?

I hope that when others see me - they see Jesus.  He has been with me every step of the way and I look forward to the next day knowing that I will have opportunities to share His love with others.  I can only do life through HIS strength.  How about you?

Father God, thank You for loving me when I was unlovable; thank You for walking beside me every step of the way; thank You for giving me the strength to face each new day; and thank you for the many blessings you have poured out on me - especially my children.  Thank You God that I have the opportunity and choice to put You first in my life and to serve You with all that I am!  I love You!

Happy Monday!

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