Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday, August 17th - Luke 10:38-42

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Luke 10:38-42 ~ Work/to-do lists/details/: It's so easy for that to "BE" your life.  Martha missed out.  Are you spending time just BEING with Jesus?

This is a fairly familiar passage where Jesus and His disciples come to Martha and Mary's house.  (These were the sisters of Lazarus.)  Martha was busy making all the preparations for Jesus and became a little jealous of her sister that was just sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening.  When Martha approached Jesus and asked Him to tell Mary to help her, she didn't get the answer she wanted, but one that we should heed as well.
Jesus said that we shouldn't worry about the little things, but choose the most important thing - listening to the Word! 

Was this passage a "wake-up call" for you?  It was for me!  As I hustle around trying to get everything done and ready for school to start, have I lost my true focus?  Priorities - to-do lists - housework - schedules - and so much more, but Who is at the top of the lists and first on the schedule and top priority?  I hope it is time alone with the Master, our Savior and our God!  Do you need to take a minute and re-focus?  I did!

I am going on a retreat this weekend where I know there will be some great quiet time and just BEING with Jesus. 
I won't post early tomorrow, but will do so in the evening.

Have a Fantastic Friday!

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