Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday, May 30th - Psalm 5

Good Evening!

I hope all of you have enjoyed a relaxing Memorial Day and have taken time to pray for all those that are serving our country so that we may have the freedom we enjoy! 
I traveled back to Illinois today from Missouri and it was a beautiful day to travel.  I have to admit I am a little on the tired side, but the weekend was great!  It is always good to be with family!

Lisa's tweet for today:  LMRMinistries:  Psalm 5:  If people in our lives do not tell the truth about us, vs 8-11 tell us to let God handle them.  Vs. 2:  Go to the right source for help!

When I was in college we sang a song that the lyrics were taken from the first 6 verses of this Psalm.  I loved that fact that I was crying out to God and asking Him to consider what I was praying - asking and acknowledging that He was/is/forever will be my God and my King!
I pray in prayer - expecting!  Expecting an answer - no matter which way it may go with a yes or a no!  We ask for the Lord's leading!  We take refuge in Him and forever sing for joy!  He surrounds the righteous with His favor as with a shield!  He protects His own!

Let us fully trust in God and let Him be our defense.  When we try and take things into our own hands, we most often fail.  Let Him have control!

I love y'all!
Have a great night!
Cheri Lynn

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